Chapter 5: AnnaLyn

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A/N so don't hate me but I'm gonna mix the story up a little bit. every story has their dumb things right? well here's mine. I hope you enjoy even though I know you wont!:)


I lay on my bed, thinking about the incident with Caleb. Did he really say that or did I imagine it? His voice is playing over and over in my head.

Because I love you more.

I love you more.

Love you more.

A smile creeps onto my face. He really said that.

But should I be mad at him? He embarrassed me, twice. In one day. He made me pass out in front of all the seniors. He made the teacher read that paper out loud, all because he wouldn't answer my question.

It's all his fault. And I'm mad.


I don't remember falling asleep but I wake up to my alarm. I smack my hand on it and close my eyes again. It feels like time goes by slowly, but I guess it didn't because my mom opens my door.

"AnnaLyn! School starts in 10 minutes! Get up!"

"Crap!" I look at my clock. She's right.

I get ready so fast I surprise myself. I finally get to school right when the bell rings, and I look like crap.

I walk into physics before the tardy bell rings. The girl that used to sit by me moved, so I sit alone.

Some kid walks in and I don't know if I can breathe. I'm suddenly wishing I had woken up earlier so I could've done something with myself.

His hair is perfect. His eyes are bright blue. He looks around and we awkwardly make eye contact.

"You can sit by AnnaLyn. Thank you, Jackson." My teacher says to him, and my heart skips a beat.

He sits down next to me. He smells like.... I don't know but he smells good.

"Hey. I'm Jackson." He says and I can't breathe. Even his voice is attractive.

"Hi, I'm AnnaLyn." I smile.

"I know." He turns to listen to the teacher.

I smile.


"Clare. I'm going insane." I say to Calre at her locker.

"Why is that?" She asks, slamming her locker closed.

"There's this new guy, and he's, you know, really attractive." I look at her to make sure she's listening. "But I'm supposed to love Caleb, but I'm not so sure anymore."

"Anna. Caleb has been your best friend for YEARS. And you've just met this guy, and you think you're in 'love?'" She wiggles her fingers to make quotation marks.

"Uhh yeah." I say.

"Yep. You're insane." Calre walks away.

"Alright then." I walk to my class.

And of course he's there.

Sitting in front of my desk.

I sigh. I don't know what to do with myself.


I fell in love. I did.

I don't know how.

I don't know when or why.

But I did.

Why did I feel like I was cheating on Caleb? We weren't even dating.

But it doesn't matter. There's no future for us.

Just A KissOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora