Chapter 17: Caleb

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A/N hey guys! I hope you like my book. I don't know how to end it! If you have any ideas, go ahead and share them with me to help me out! Thanks so much for reading! 1K reads!


Ceilings are strange. Like, what's up with all the weird designs and bumps?

I guess the flaws in it make it more interesting.

My neck aches from sleeping in that stupid chair at the hospital. My knees are sore from staying bent the whole night.

It's nice to lay in my own bed.

Too bad I can't sleep. I wish none of this never happened, that I never knew AnnaLyn. It's just made my life so hard.

But I guess that's what makes it interesting.


Sometimes it sucks being and only child. You have no one to talk to if your parents are gone, no one to tease or to force to make you some Mac and Cheese.

So I have to do all that by myself. I talk to myself, I tease myself and I even make my own Mac and Cheese.

Since I don't have anyone to do any of that with, I just wander my house, looking at pictures of my parents, feeling dread over and over again.

My mind wanders to different things and then back to them even after 10 minutes of thinking of other stuff. Mos of the time it doesn't make any sense, but it keeps my mind off of AnnaLyn and my dad.

Siblings can have their downsides too. Annoying, whinny, telling on you.

Sometimes I like to be alone, but I hate feeling alone.

My eyes cross a picture of me when I was little, my orange baseball jersey too big, holding a ball in my mitt, smiling so wide my little eyes are just slits.

My dad taught me how to play baseball. He played for a long time, until he screwed up his shoulder. He always had a hard time throwing with me. I decided to tell him that he didn't have to throw with me, but he refused. He wanted to do what he loved, even if it hurt him.

I respect him for that and I wish that I was that motivated about something, anything.

I wonder why AnnaLyn likes Jackson. She met him like a month ago. She's known me pretty much her whole life. I still can't believe she wanted him more than me.

Has that changed?

My life sucks right now. I haven't done any homework this weekend and I probably already have a gazillion F's. I need to take a break from the world.

Could I have done something different? AnnaLyn should have gotten the memo when I broke up with Victoria for her. I even told her the I like her, is that not enough?

My eyes droop, but my mind is wide awake. I head downstairs to my room and I put my earphones in my ears and plop on my bed.

Though my mind still races, I close my eyes and fall asleep.


"Hello?" I hear my moms voice through the phone.

"Hey mom. How's dad?"

"He's alright. They're doing some tests on him now to see how his brain is working up."

"I hope all goes well. How are you doing?"

She sighs. "I'm tired and stressed, just like anyone else would be."

"Yeah well I'm coming to get you. You need some sleep."

"Alright. The tests will be over in about a half hour so take your time. I want to see the results."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too honey."

"See ya." And I hang up.


Once I get to the hospital, I go to my dad's room, but no one in there so I go back to the front desk to ask where he's at, but I end up passing my mom on the way.

"Hey are they done with the tests?" I ask her, grabbing her arm.

"Yes. I'm going to go review them with the doctor now. I don't know if they'll let you in so you can just wander or go sit or something. I'll be ready to go in a couple minutes."

"Okay." I say and head towards AnnaLyns room. Before I reach her door, I hear voices, so she must already have company. I'm about to turn around, but then I recognize the voice.


I hate to eavsdrop, but I've gotta know what they're saying.

"-mean for this to happen, Anna." I cringe when he calls her Anna. That's reserved for me. "I'm so sorry."

It's silent for a long time, so quiet I feel like if I breathe they will hear me.

"You do realize I'm going to be punished for this. I was the one driving. I'm going to have to pay the price." I hear AnnaLyn say.

"I know that and I'm sorry."

"This never would have happened if I never met you." AnnaLyn voice is bitter. I smile to myself in victory, then quickly stop myself. I shouldn't get greedy.

"Yeah but.. I gave you so much. Remember that day in the field? I gave you happiness when you were struggling the most."

"No Jackson. You made me struggle because you got me pregnant. That night at your house. After your stupid party."

Then it's quiet for a long time.

"In sorry AnnaLyn. I really am. If I could, I would take all of this back,

"Jackson, I've been thinking a lot latel-" she stops suddenly and I don't know what's going on so I take a peek in the room.

They're kissing. My heart sinks to my feet.

I'm done. So done.


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