Chapter 21: Caleb

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I sit on the coach eating Cheetos like a fatty. I guess I eat when I'm nervous.

Today, my dad's going in for surgery. I didn't get details on what the surgery is on, but I know that it could mean life or death.

Death is highly possible.

And if everything went alright, the surgery should have ended by now. But, my mom hasn't called me yet.

I try to keep my mind off of it by watching tv, but it won't stop nagging at me.

Finally, my mom calls.

"Hey mom did everything go well?" I say quickly, getting straight to the point.

"Honey.. He's not going to make it." She sniffs.

And suddenly, I regret my whole life. I regret not telling him I love you. I regret not talking to him. I regret trying to stay away from him. I regret thinking he was just a jerk and didn't care about me.

I regret everything. And I'm numb.

"I'm so sorry mom." I can't think of anything more to say. "I have to go." I hang up.

I stare for what feels like forever, my heart pounding.

My phone rings. I look at AnnaLyns name on the screen. Suddenly anger fills my chest.

I decide to pick it up, but not talk to her.

"Hey Anna, I'm busy, I'll call you back." Then I hang up, not letting her speak.

She killed my dad.


I've felt so many different emotions in the past three hours that they've all mixed and I can't tell which one is which. I feel comfortably numb.

But I did realize that AnnaLyn did not kill my dad. God did. He could have spared my dads life but he didn't.

I call AnnaLyn back. She answers after one ring and I get butterflies.

"Hey, you okay?" She asks.

I decide to just blurt it out. "My dads gone."

She pauses. "What?"

"He's dead. He didn't make it."

"Caleb.. I'm so sorry." I can hear her sniff. "I'm so sorry."

"AnnaLyn, don't cry." I whisper.

"I'm sorry it's just.. I did this to you."

"No Anna. God did. I'm coming over." I hang up.


I walk up to AnnaLyns front door. I don't care to knock because I never do. I walk straight downstairs.

I open her door to find her on the ground, curled up in a ball with the boot on her leg.

I grab her hand and pull her to her feet. "AnnaLyn. It's okay."

I pull her close and wrap my arms around her. She may think this is an act of comfort for her, but it's for myself.

She wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my chest.

She looks up at me and I look down at her. She smiles a sad smile, then looks down and cries again. I kiss the top of her head. She moves her hands to my back and I feel like I love her so much more.

"I've got an idea." I turn on a slow song on Anna's stereo and put my hand out. "May I have this dance?"

She laughs and I smile. "Yes you may." She grabs my hand. I pull her close and move side to side.

I spin her around and dip her as she laughs. She rests her head on my chest and I feel her warmth surge through me.

"I'm going to court tomorrow." She says quietly.

I'm not sure what to say. "Good luck."

She looks at me. "What if I go to Juvenile?"

"I don't know."

"That's encouraging." She says sarcastically. I smile a little.

"Well it is a DUI. And you.." Killed seven people, I think in my mind and realize it wouldn't be very appropriate. I shake my head. "Nevermind."

She doesn't say anything back.

We just dance even though the music turned off.

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