Chapter 23: AnnaLyn

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It's silent in my car. My parents sit up front and I sit in the back, behind my dad who is driving. I don't know what they're thinking. We still haven't talked about this whole thing. They are expressionless and hard to read. I don't know what they think of me.

I don't have a thousand dollars. I usually depend on my parents for things like money, which clearly isn't good. And I don't know if they're going to pay for that or if they are going to make me pay it off. Like I said, I have no idea what they're thinking.

"Well.." My dad finally says. "How are you feeling, AnnaLyn?"

"I feel awful. I think that I'm an idiot. I think that I was stupid to even think that it was okay to drink. I regret that entire thing. I regret going to that stupid party and I regret not telling you guys about this."

Both parents are silent for the longest time.

"So basically you are blaming only you for this entire situation?" my dad asks.

"I guess so. Who else is there to blame?" I say angrily.

He just shrugs. "Jackson. Even God. I'm just saying it's not all your fault that you got into this mess."

"Yes it is dad! I was the one who gave in to peer pressure and I was the one who was driving and I was the one who was stupid enough to drive when I was drunk!" I yell.

"Honey, calm down." My mom says.

"No mom! There's nothing calm about this situation and you know it! I will never forgive myself! Ever!" I rest my head in the head rest in front of me and cry.

Then my dad says, "AnnaLyn, just know that I am not mad at you one bit. All I want is for you to be happy, and for you to know that your life is worth living and that me and your mother love you. No matter what."

My mom nods. "We don't want to be angry at you for anything because we know that you're already mad at yourself and you don't need any more stress put on you. We care about you and support your decisions, even if they aren't always right. Don't let one mistake ruin your life. Don't let one bad thing destroy all the good that you've done and you are."

I just stare at my hands in my lap and think. They're right. I just need to be positive.

"Thank you." I say quietly. My mom smiles at me.

The rest of the drive to the airport is silent.


•Two days before•

I walk towards my dad after the judge leaves the room.

"Your flight leaves in two days." My dad says. "Say your goodbyes."

I nod and slowly walk to Caleb. He doesn't look very happy.

"Hey.." I say. I sit next to him.

"So.. You're going to Utah huh? For Juvenile?" He says.

"I guess so." I sigh. "I'm so sorry Caleb. I messed up and now I won't be able to be with you for a year."

"We can call. And write. We won't be seperated forever. I won't let it happen." He wraps his arms around me and I wrap my arms around him and breathe in his scent.

"My dad's funeral is tomorrow. Luckily you'll be able to make it so this isn't the last time we'll see each other for a while." He whispers. I nod.

I let go of him. "I'm sorry.. Again. For your dad."

"It's okay Anna. He's in a better place." Caleb says quietly.

"Yes, I know. But that doesn't make your situation any better." I say sternly.

"I said it's fine AnnaLyn." and he walks away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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