1: Uzumaki

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    Six year old Kaida grips six year old Sakura's hand, intimidated by the size of the class. Umino Iruka puts on a cheerful smile and places his hands on the twins' shoulders.

  "Class, these two will be joining you from here on out. Please treat them kindly," Iruka says, making the class burst into whispers.

  "Look they have pink hair! Pink!"

  "Do you know what clan they come from? I've never seen them before."

  "Class!" Iruka breaks through the whispers loudly. They quiet down while the Chūnin teacher lightly pushes the twins.

  "Hello! My name is Haruno Kaida and this is my sister, Haruno Sakura. Please take good care of us," Kaida says giving a small bow. Sakura shyly follows after the younger twin, messing with the tips of her bangs.

  "Haruno? So they're civilians!"

  "Why are they in the Academy?"

  "Sakura, your going to be sitting next to Yoshida Nagisa. Nagisa, can you raise your hand?" Iruka says calmly, a six year old girl with average brown hair and dark blue eyes lazily raises her hand. Sakura nervously walks over to the girl sitting in the front, sitting in the empty seat next to her.

  "Kaida, you'll be sitting next to–" Iruka hesitates, glancing over the room for any other seat.

  "You'll be sitting next to Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto, can you raise your hand?" The brunette shinobi continues, making Kaida glance at the small blonde boy that rose his hand brightly.

  "It's the boy everyone calls a demon," Inner Kaida says, ignored by Kaida. The pink haired girl walks over with a bright smile, noticing the boys eyes. They were the same shade of blue as one of the kimonos her grandfather wore when he had to go fight a large bandit settlement.

  "Stop ignoring me!" Inner Kaida shouts loudly, being blocked again. Iruka opens his mouth to speak, but a hawk flying past the windows outside stops him.

  "Self-study until I return or Mizuki-Sensei comes to take you outside," Iruka says before disappearing in a body flicker. The class groans before many start taking out the textbooks under their desks. Kaida follows after them, opening it to the first page.

  "Do you know what we're supposed to be learning?" Kaida asks curiously, reading over the table of contents. Naruto shrugs, his cheerfulness dimmed.

  "We started something new yesterday, but Mizuki-Sensei placed me outside. I can't read the stupid symbols in the textbook anyway," Naruto says, crossing his arms and glaring at Kaida's textbook with a pout.

  "Your parents haven't taught you how to read yet?" Kaida asks, blinking quickly. Her mother started teaching her and Sakura how to read and write when they turned three. They just now started on calligraphy and music a few weeks ago.

  "I don't have parents. Are they supposed to teach you how to read?" Naruto asks curiously. Kaida feels pity and gives the blonde a sad expression. It quickly changes to a bright smile, her posture fixing itself.

  "Well, how about I teach you?" Kaida suggests, making Naruto brighten up. He fidgets excitedly, giving the pink haired girl a bright smile.

  "Really?!" Naruto asks loudly, the loudness causing Kaida to wince. She smiles back and giggles.

  "Of course! I'll read out loud for you today," The pink haired girl says brightly before she scoots closer, sharing her textbook. She starts from the very beginning of the textbook, her soft words overlapped by the loud classroom.

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