5: Report the Hierarchy

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"Do you want to help me plan a murder?" Kaida asks, voice icy. She continues to glare at the closed door, still sitting perfectly on the desk for three hours.

"Do you have the supplies with you?" Naruto practices his calligraphy.

"I don't think anyone has found our discussed body spot yet." Hinata doesn't open her eyes from her meditation. Kaida hums, tapping her fingers on her desk.

"You can poison his drink. He's a Jōnin, right?" Inner Kaida asks, rubbing her hands together menacingly.

All three teenagers perk up when they hear footsteps from outside. They stay quiet as the door opens, revealing a man with spiky silver hair, a black eye, and fair skin wearing a face mask and his hitai-ate over his left eye.

"My first impression is.. I hate you," The man states with a careless drawl. Kaida narrows her eyes at the man, piercing him with her gaze.

"To think Obito-san was actually joking about you taking after him," Kaida snarks calmly, elegantly standing up from the desk.

"Meet me on the roof in five minutes." The man poofs into smoke. Kaida takes a deep breath, straightening her posture.

"Let's go. We shouldn't keep Kakashi-Sensei waiting," Kaida says blandly. Naruto and Hinata glance at each other before following the shorter girl. She's pissed.

"Um-Kai, what are you going to... do to Kakashi-Sensei?" The blonde boy receives a glare. "W-well you have that look..."

"What look?"

"Nothing! Nevermind Kai," Naruto quickly states with an uneasy smile. "Hey Hinata-chan, how was that stupid family party you had to attend?"

Hinata smiles softly and playfully rolls her eyes. "It's a formal celebration for my graduation, even if it was before the test. It was... boring without you two to keep me company."

"Well, the elders caught us last time. They were looking out for any henges were they not?" Kaida adds to the conversation. Naruto blushes at the mention of his mistake.

"I told you, you should've used your own plan to sneak into that party, not the demon boy's!" Inner exclaims angrily. Hinata sighs heavily and nods her head.

They quickly quiet down when they reach the door leading to the rooftop. Kaida puts on her cool mask again and rolls back her shoulders before opening the door. She walks in first with Naruto behind her and Hinata last.

"You're early," Kakashi states in a careless manner. Kaida sticks her nose up slightly and gives the man an unimpressed stare.

"Well, I have things to do after this team meeting," The pink haired girl retorts. "I am sure Hina-chan does as well and to be late to anything family related is unbecoming of an heiress."

Kakashi had the decency to wince slightly as he leans back against the railing, appearing carefree. "Oh. Well, since you're all here. Sit."

"He wouldn't suspect a measly little Genin Kunoichi if he found poison in his drink." Kaida sits in the middle, a step above her friends, with the blonde Jinchūriki on her left and the Hyūga heiress on her right. They both sat on the same step.

Kakashi rose an eyebrow at the hidden hierarchy the three kids revealed. Kaida was the undisputed leader of their little group.

"Let's start with introductions!" The silver haired man claps his hands. "Who wants to start?"

"Would you like the introductions as a report, or just conversationally?" Naruto asks with narrowed eyes. He glances back at Kaida before focusing on the Jōnin once he received a small nod.

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