3: Convincing

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    "What do you think of Uchiha Sasuke?" Seven year old Sakura asks quietly, staring down at her academy book. Kaida glances up from her calligraphy, eyes narrowed.

  "Is Sakura seriously focused more on a crush than the Academy?" Inner Kaida asks incredulously before Kaida gives her a glare.

  "He's given Rookie of the Year for a reason, though Naru's quickly catching up to the rest of the class. He might nab it before graduation," Kaida starts with a shrug. "Uchiha-san acts a bit more entitled than I'd like."

  "...Do you–do you have a crush on him?" The older twin asks, messing with her hair.

  "He is cute, but I would rather focus on becoming a kunoichi before focusing on crushes. I don't want to get distracted and be a kunoichi who has to catch up with the rest, because I focused on a crush over getting strong," She says, going back to her calligraphy.

  "Oh. But what if becoming strong makes you–undesirable to your crush in the future?"

  "She won't last long."

  "Shut it.

  "If my crush thinks I'm less desirable in the future because I don't want to die or thinks that I shouldn't be strong, because I'm a girl, then he doesn't deserve me. Remember Kuroyo-oba and her ex-fiance?" Kaida says, messing with her two braids. Sakura glances down at her book, biting her lip.

  "Would–is it too late for Dad to train me with–with you and Naruto?" She asks, messing with the pages of her book.

  Kaida smiles brightly, leaning over. "No! Dad will catch you up in no time! Come on!"

  "W-wait!" Sakura stumbles off the bed, tripping Kaida. They both scream and fall to the ground.

  "Is everything okay up there?" Kizashi asks loudly from downstairs.

  "Sakura wants to train with me and Naru! Can she?"

  "Of course. You and Naruto will be with your mother while I assess Sakura's skills," Kizashi says, making Kaida pale. Sakura giggles at her twin's expression and stands up.

  "She's going to kill me." Kaida stays laying on the ground. "I hope we don't do diplomacy lessons..."


    "ANBU-san!" Kaida exclaims cheerfully, waving at a slightly shocked Uchiha Itachi. She was walking past the Uchiha Clan Grounds entrance when she spotted the teenager with his family. Kaida, knowing what it would mean, didn't cross the entrance, but still waves at Itachi.

  "Haruno-san," Itachi greets calmly, making Kaida giggle. "What are you doing here?"

  "I am on my way to the Hyūga Compound. Hiashi-dono wants to meet me," The pink haired girl says while Itachi, and his family, walks closer. Kaida sees Uchiha Fugaku and gives him a bow.

  "Fugaku-dono, Mikoto-dono, Sasuke-san," Kaida greets before giving Itachi a bright smile.

  "Otōsan, this is Haruno Kaida. She is in Sasuke's class and shares Top Kunoichi with her twin sister, Sakura," Itachi introduces Kaida.

  "Why would Hyūga want to meet you?" Fugaku asks with a small frown of distaste. Kaida clenches her fists, smile not faltering.

  "She's friends with Hinata," Sasuke answers for the girl.

  "A civilian girl is friends with the Hyūga heiress?" The clan head asks Itachi, completely ignoring Kaida.

  "I am also friends with Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Uzumaki Naruto, and Akimichi Chōji. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to have time to talk with Sasuke-san because of all of the fangirls," The pink haired girl quickly retorts, brushing her two braids behind her left ear.

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