14: Zabuza

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    Kaida's own slightly wheezing breath wakes her up from her sleep. She takes in a deep breath, feeling her throat burn from the pain but doesn't send her into a coughing fit this time. The breath slowly releases itself as Kaida mentally checks herself.

  Four broken ribs, a fractured leg, a deep stab wound to her left side, a broken wrist, a deep gash to her shoulder. Kaida slowly opens her eyes and stares up at the wooden ceiling above her.

  "Finally. You've been sleeping for three days," Inner Kaida says with a sneer. Kaida rolls her eyes before rubbing the blurriness away.

  "Is everyone alright?" Kaida asks tiredly as she slowly sits up. A small whimper escapes her mouth when her chest spasms in pain. She continues to sit up, making sure her broken ribs don't move too much.

  "They're fine. Kakashi woke up yesterday and has the princess and the demon boy training and guarding the old man when he goes to the bridge," Inner Kaida answers with a small huff. Kaida hisses in pain when she reaches over to where she spots a cup of water. She frowns slightly at how shaky her hand was as she grabs the cup.

  Kaida downs the water in one go. The burn in her throat thankfully subsides and the pink haired girl sighs in relief. The sound of a door creaking open instinctively makes Kaida reach for her leg. She doesn't feel her kunai pouch and glares heavily at the door.

  "Oi! Calm down it ain't a fucking enemy," Inner Kaida states with a frown. Kaida rests her hands on her lap and watches when a young woman walks into the room.

  The woman blinks in surprise at seeing Kaida up before smiling brightly. "Haruno-san, you're awake!"

  "Tsu-Tsunami-san," Kaida greets quietly, voice still hoarse. Tsunami walks over with medicine and bandages in her hands.

  "I don't know much medical skills and we don't have any doctors here, but I tried my best to keep you alive," Tsunami starts as she sits next to the pink haired girl. "We were all worried when you wouldn't wake up. Hatake-san was going to write to Hokage-sama if you didn't wake up by tonight."

  "Thank... you Tsunami-san, for helping me," Kaida says gratefully before wincing at the pain in her throat. Tsunami smiles softly and holds out a bottle of medicine.

  "Drink. It'll help soothe your throat." Tsunami opens the bottle and lifts it towards Kaida. She takes a small sip and grimaces at the bitter taste.

  "How are you feeling?" Tsunami asks while pulling back the bottle. Kaida smiles slightly before shaking her head.

  "Would it be rude to say I feel awful?" Kaida asks, trying to lighten the mood a bit. Tsunami laughs quietly and shakes her head.

  "With what you went through for Tōsan, I say you deserve to be truthful about how you feel," The black haired woman answers softly. Kaida smiles before wincing when she turns her body.

  "Would it be alright if I changed your bandages and cleaned your wounds, Haruno-san?" Tsunami asks as she holds up the roll of bandages.

  Kaida nods her head with a small smile. "Of course. No need to ask, Tsunami-san."

  She whimpers quietly when she moves again. Tsunami carefully loosens the obi before gently loosening the kimono dress. Kaida instinctively raises her sleeves and covers her chest, despite it being wrapped by a sarashi, as the kimono dress falls off her shoulders, revealing the dirty bandages wrapped around her entire abdomen and back.

  "I made this balm," Tsunami starts while she slowly unwraps the dirty bandages, "and it won't prevent any infections or heal your wounds any faster, but it will keep the pain away."

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