Chapter 2

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"Hello, mom?"

"Gemma, how long is it going to take before you come home?"

"Mom, I'm with Elaine at the ice cream shop."

"Okay, sweetheart. Come soon."

"Yeah, mom. I'll be home in 30. Bye!"

"Okay, bye."

Just as I end the call, I turn around and bump into someone.

"Oh! I'm really sorry." I apologise.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too. I'm kind of in a rush."

That's when I notice the person in front of me. A brown-haired boy, probably 19 or 20, with eyes so dark as a midnight sky, you could just get lost in them. He is wearing a gray t-shirt with black jeans complementary to his light brown skin. I'm startled out of my stupor when he asks, "Are you alright?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! I mean, I'm sorry. I just...uh...I have to go."

"Yeah, sure."

And then, I start walking. Wait...what just happened? I've never been like this with anyone, at least never this awkward. I shake my head. After a while, I realise that I have been walking in the wrong direction for the past one minute.

Wow, just wow.

Somehow, all it took for my brain to lose all its command over my senses was a boy.

Ugh, crazy teenage hormones!

I run back and get inside the shop only to find a bewildered looking Elaine.

"Did you just see a ghost?" I ask snapping my fingers in front of her face. The look on her face is so funny I can barely contain my laughter.

"Um..what?" Elaine finally speaks after a couple of seconds.

"What happened?"


"Seriously, El, you looked like you just saw Taylor Swift right now. Although not that you'd actually care if you did."

"Oh, shut up! And yeah Taylor is good but you're the one who's obsessed. " She shoves me playfully and takes our ice creams.

On the way home, I don't tell Elaine about my earlier encounter. It was just a weird meeting anyway, right? Yeah, a subject of joke. I reach home and study and it is pretty much a normal day.


I am in school staff room and all I can think about is getting the hell out. Andrew is here.

"So, Ms. Teacher's pet. Here for a new assignment?"

"Oh, none that you'd know about. Oh wait, you know about none, actually."

"Oh, you'd be surprised by how much work I've done these past months. Not that you'd care, anyway."

"I wonder why you're here, then. Praises for all the work you did?"

"Andrew!" The teacher calls out.

"Unfortunately, they're reserved only for teacher's pets like yourself." He glares at me.

Before I could come up with a retort, he's already walking away.

'Next time, you jerk.' I mutter.

After handing the assignment to the teacher, I go back to the classroom.

Andrew isn't in the class yet, but what do I care? It is good if he stays out all day, anyway. As annoying as it is to admit it, but when Andrew is in class, it takes every ounce of my self control to not glance back at him (yeah, backbencher that he is).

How could I not stare into those blue eyes that looked like diving into an ocean so inviting with your eyes closed and not care about the consequences? But as good looking as he may be, he is a complete jerk. At least to me, for god knows what reasons. I successfully put him out of my mind for the rest of the day and it is easier since he doesn't come to class as well. I wonder what happened to him.

'I couldn't care less anyway.' I think annoyed that I am even bothered by his absence at all.


I am waiting for Elaine outside at the same spot as I usually do when I see the guy again, the one whom I bumped into yesterday, outside of Dream Cone. He is walking towards me but his eyes are glued to his phone. He is about to bump into one of my friend's back when I reach out and put a hand on his arm saying, "Eyes on the road, Mister. Don't wanna get squashed on the road by the trucks, now, do you?"

"Oh I'm really sorry. Someone texted me just now, but hey no excuses, it is my mistake." He apologizes.

And yeah, there it is again, the mind numbing moment where all I can do is stare and stutter upon hearing his voice caressing me like light drizzle from the sky.

"Yeah, well, watch where you're going next time." Is all I can say before he gives me a little salute and goes on his way but not before glancing back and winking at me.

"Gemma!" Elaine exclaims.

"Whoa, what happened? Why are you screaming?" I wince.

"Seriously? Why did I scream? I've been calling your name for past five minutes. What happened to you?"

Five minutes?! Did my brain just go full on mute for five minutes?!


"Excuse me? Did the all mighty, Gemma Embers, actually stutter right now? Somebody, pinch me."

"Shut up. Let's go already. I'm just a little tired, that's all."

"Ooookay." Elaine doesn't look even the slightest bit convinced but she let it slide. For now.

An I don't know what to think.

Who is that guy?


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