Chapter 10

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Noah: attachment: cat scratches on arms

Noah: You see that? I meant it when I said I'm living with a devil in disguise. I don't even know why I keep her around anymore.😕

Me: Because cats are cute! Even though I'm a dog person, I love cats too.

Me: And don't be such a baby. You can survive a few scratches if it means you get to spend all day with that furball.

Me: But be sure to get those wounds all cleaned up and tended to. Don't wanna get infected or anything, just in case.

Noah: Aww, you worry about me, now? Seems like I'm making progress. Maybe one of these days you'll finally take me up on my coffee offer.

Me: Yeah, don't get your hopes up. You're still the same guy who broke the queue the first time we met.

Noah: So, basically, you're never going to let me live it down, are you?

Me: I'm sorry, but no can do.🙃

I smile as I stare at the screen. It's been a week since he first texted me and then, it became an unspoken rule between us to text at least once, every day. Anything, really. Dogs on leash dragging their owners behind them, him waiting in lines in shops, his cat, our day, the weather.

These days I kind of look forward to his messages. And he does, everyday, without fail. I even got to know a little bit about him. Noah Monroe, 20 years old, majoring in business administration and management, came back home to spend time with his family.

Even though, I didn't intentionally go out with him anywhere, no matter how much he insisted, whenever I went to Dream Cone, I always looked around. Hoping to spot him. One or two times, I actually did and we usually ended up talking for a bit. He has this vibrant energy whenever he tells something as if he charges up off other people's attention.

There's just something really familiar about him though. There's always this thought knocking on the doors of my sub conscious whenever I look at him for too long. But then again, I'm pretty sure I would remember a guy that looked like him.

"Hey El, what are you smiling at?" Gemma tries to peer at my screen and I shove her away. We're in my room which is basically my own kind of fairytale.

Lavender walls streaks of white and blue paint that makes me feel like actually lying in room made of clouds, oakwood study table with neatly organised stationary and notes and a dressing table which is basically more of a home to my stuffed toys from childhood since I don't own a lot of make up or anything.

Off white steel almirah where most of my dresses are collecting dust. Yeah, I don't go out too much. And a single bed in the middle of the room.

But my favourite thing? The white wooden book shelf next to the almirah. It houses all the books by my favourite authors, arranged by author's name and sequels along with scented candles, bookmark stands and tons of other accessories I can't stop buying.

My mom used to read me bed time stories and I developed my love for reading because of her and my dad's always been good sport about it too. I'm their only child and my father, Christian Sommers, is the proud CEO of Sommers Group of Textile Industries.

I'm one hell of a pampered baby.

My father had a business partner years ago. But apparently, they had a fall out and they both split up their share of the company. My father seldom talks about him so I think they were really close friends and he might've been more hurt than he lets on. My father is a big softie at heart, you see. I've never even seen any of his business partner's pictures, though.

But for such a successful man, my dad is very down-to-earth. And my mom's a senior editor at 'Blue Bird Publishing House' and a total workaholic. But always there to listen to me. I'm one lucky girl to have them in my life.

"Nothing. Just you know, a random meme."

She ignores me, "It's Ethan, isn't it?"

"'s not. I told you it's just a meme!"

"Don't lie to me," She narrows her eyes, "you know I see right through you. Tell me who is it and how do I not know anything?"

I look at her for a while, stressing my bottom lip between my teeth, contemplating if I should say anything. I mean he's just a friend that I happen to meet a few times and text everyday and I might feel...something about. But Gem's my best friend and I'll feel guilty till the end of my days if I kept this from her.

"Okay fine. But don't go blabbing anything to anyone about this, alright?" I raise an eyebrow and she hovers her thumb and index finger from one corner of her mouth to another in an imitation of zipping up her lips and throwing the key away. "So I met this guy, Noah, a few weeks ago. You know when we went to Dream Cone?"

We go there a lot, El. It's basically our second home." She gets all starry-eyed. "Oh how I wish it was."

"Anyway, so I bumped into him one day again on my way back home and then met him at Dream Cone again."

"Wait...what? You went to Dream Cone? Without me!? How could you do this to me!?" Eyes wide, she places a hand over her heart.

"Well, it was Tuesday and you know on Tuesday's, Ethan and I study together after school. So I insisted on stopping by. And also, you've been pretty busy yourself these days. How are things going with Andrew anyway?"

"Well we've called a truce..sort of. I guess? I don't know he's weird but he seems genuine at times. Anyway, tell me more about this Noah fella."

"Well as I was saying, we met at Dream Cone, exchanged numbers and he's been texting me everyday ever since. And he's got this great charming personality, I'm pretty sure he could get out of any kind of trouble with just a smile."

"Oh my god, you're a smitten kitten! I don't think I've ever heard you talk about a guy like this...except for Ethan."

Ethan. For some unknown reasons, I always feel a little guilty about talking to Noah. I mean Ethan's my best friend-and I'm not even sure about anything with Noah-but I've always felt that someday maybe he would finally see me as something more. I haven't told him anything else other than that one day.
And Gem knows everything.

"Yeah, well he's my best friend and I don't think I want to jeopardize what we have because of my stupid crush anyway. And I don't know, I'm just getting to know the Noah."

"Well if you think this guy's hot enough to get you over Ethan freaking Sinclaire, you have my blessings."

"Shut up!" I throw a pillow at her and she catches it. "I'm just saying anyting can happen. In fact," She pauses looking a little uncertain "I met someone too."


"Yeah. His name is Liam. Liam Hart." And then she tells me all about him but alas we don't have any photos of either of them to show each other.

It's weird how we both met these guys at the same place and how much alike they are, but maybe Dream Cone is the place where our dreams just might come true after all.


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