Chapter 1

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I wake up with a start, after finally dismissing the alarm that had been blaring off for the past ten minutes. After a fun weekend with my best friend, Gemma, of watching "Friends" and gushing over "Chandler and Monica" for god knows what time, I am, now, having Monday morning blues. But I have to get up. I can't miss school as an important assignment is due today. With every ounce of effort, I get up from the comfort of my bed, cursing myself for now going to bed early.
You know the moment where you want to bang your head against the wall for not listening to your logical side of the brain? Yeah, that's me right here.

But then it is all the same every day. I clean up as fast as I can, take the very first thing from the fridge I can get my hands on, and dart out the door.

"Bye, Mom! I'm going to school." I run past the kitchen counter where my mother is prepping her morning coffee. She got off and home late yesterday night. Seriously, Stella Sommers has no regards for the phrase 'work-life' balance. But she's the best mom I could ever ask for.

"Okay, honey, but hurry up and be careful on the road!"

"Mfhkay!" I say, with my mouthful of breakfast.


I am right on time for classes to begin. I walk as I take in my surroundings, just as usual. The gray marble of the floor, the white walls as I start climbing the stairs and finally pass by the open corridor of the third floor which gives full view of the ground beneath. I am about to enter the class when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to be greeted by a boy with the perfect grin. Ethan has been my only friend, apart from Gemma. My heart always went into an overdrive at that beautiful smile of his combined with his emerald eyes and silky brown hair.

"I really hope that someday, for once, you get here early on time." He says.

"Hey! I'm on time." I protest half-heartedly. "And I know you can't find someone else this early to hear your exclusive stories so you just want me to humor you."

"They're exclusive only to you."

"No doubt about that." I say rolling my eyes.

He chuckles and shakes his head and says, "Believe me, you wound me enough with your opinions."

"I only speak the truth and I appreciate when I find something good." I point at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes ma'am." He offers a little bow as I laugh and we make our way to our seats and settle just as the teacher enters.


I am outside Edgewater High's gates after the last awfully long geography class, when I see Gemma with her fellow classmates, talking and laughing, and feel a pang of envy but dismiss it quickly. She is allowed to make friends so long as I remain the closest.

"Gem!" I call out to her.

"El!" She walks towards me, leaving her "friends" behind."I've been waiting for you. Took you long enough."

"Yeah, well, our teacher was pretty strict about our today's lesson and notes. I don't think I'll be able to so much as pick up a pen for the rest of the week."

"Such a drama queen." She chuckles. "But perhaps an ice cream could help with this matter, huh?"

"Have I ever told that I love you? 'Cause I really, really do."

"You can express it by buying me an ice cream, I'm sure."

"On second thought, I think not enough." We laugh and make our way to the ice cream shop.


Gemma goes out to take a call from her mother while I get in the line to buy our picks. The shop "Dream Cone" is all cream tiles and white marble floor with overall menu on one wall while pictures of the founders and various certificates flank the other.

Four oak wood tables with four chairs at each table. Two floor-to-ceiling windows by the entrance on either side of the entrance door that give a perfect view of the traffic outside. There aren't many costumers, save for the students mostly from our school. The place has all kinds of ice creams, milshakes and smoothies available.

"What would you like order?" The girl behind the counter asks.

I was about to tell our order when someone interrupts. "Take my order first, please."

Seriously? Does waiting for your own turn doesn't mean anything around here anymore?

I turn around to give the impatient customer behind me a piece of my mind, only to forget what I am pissed about in the first place.

"Listen I know you're probably gonna be angry but I'm really in a hurry." The boy behind me says.

"Oh...okay..." I stutter, dumbfound.

"Thanks a lot" and he places his order as I just stare like a complete idiot because no one has any business looking that good.

No, that can't be right.

What the hell just happened?


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