Chapter 6

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I'm sitting on the bleachers as I watch Ethan run around the field in red jersey with the team logo that reads "Ginger Eagles" and matching red shorts with black stripes around the outer seams.

While I don't know much about football, I know that he is a quarterback and that has all the girls in the school gushing over him.
Although, I can't totally blame them.
In fact, even after watching the whole thing for god knows how long, all I can think about is the way his jersey clings to his perfectly toned muscles that he no doubt got from hours of practicing.
The flex of his biceps as he moves his arms to throw or catch the ball.

It's unnerving to think like that-especially given the fact that we are best friends-about him.
But that doesn't seem enough for me to stop ogling him until I realise that he's smiling.

At me.

And he's running. Towards me.

Turns out its half time and he's caught me eyeing him from the bleachers.
Mortification, in all its glory slams into me and my cheeks redden.

"You came." He says breathing hard but all smiles.

"Yeah like you'd ever let me live it down if I didn't show up." I say, smiling back.

"Well, you're my best friend so it's technically your duty to come support me, even during my practices."

"Is there a manual on 'how to be the best best friend' that I didn't know about?" I make a show of searching for it around me.

"No it was a dialogue from a movie that I watched?" He asks more than tells me.

"Man, that must've been one hell of a lousy movie." I say and we both erupt into laughter.


After his practice, we make our way to the cafeteria to grab something to eat when we run into Gemma, who is busy talking to-


Never in a million years would I have ever thought that I'd live to see the day when Gem and Andrew would actually be having a decent conversation, instead of being at each other's throat.
Ethan seems to be as stunned by the sight as I am.
We share a look and quickly make our way to them.

"Hey, Gem. Hey, Andrew." I greet. But raise an eyebrow at Gemma.
She sighs and turns to Andrew, "I'll be back in a minute. Don't dare screw up my work or we're done here."
And then to me, "Come with me."

"I'm not dreaming, Am I? Is this really happening? Did you and Andrew actually call a freaking truce!?" I ask, barely concealing the urge to scream the questions at her.

"Well, I guess? Kind of. I still don't like the guy but he needs my help and who knows maybe one day he'll be of some help to me. After all, he did promise to do whatever I asked." She looks at him and then back at me.

"Wow, I can't believe you actually took pity on him after all that grieve you gave us," I say, pointing between me and Ethan, "about how he was the most annoying person you've ever met. But hey, whatever makes your and, therefore, our day Andrew-stress free." I shrug, because while it is a big shock, I'm also equal parts relieved.

"Oh please, he is still annoying as hell. Do you know he came up with weird nickname for me? Firefly!" She huffs, already getting all riled up.

"What!? Andrew gave you a freaking nickname?" My disbelief is written all over my face. "I always thought he didn't like you or something."

"Oh, he doesn't like me alright. He has been trying to rein in his usual cocky self since he asked for my help but apparently it's really hard when you're him."

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