Chapter 4

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"You have to get these done and submitted by the end of this month, do you understand me? And you will if you want to pass in my subject!" Ms. Hana scolds.

"Yes ma'am, I do and I will." I reply when all I want to say is,'Why does it really matter? It's not like the rulers are gonna rise from their graves if I didn't submit it. It's been centuries! Get over it, woman!'

But I know I'd be asking for more trouble than I already am in, if I say anything like that. I hate history and I don't know the point of studying it when I so clearly am not interested in any of it. I can't understand how some students ace this subject. How can they go through with the whole textbook and shitload of assignments without boring themselves to death? How does Gemma do it?

Oh god, there she is again.

Why do all my thoughts lead back to her? She is a nerd, an all rounder in academics and a pupil in all of the teachers' eyes. I hate her. Partly because of the above reasons but mostly because it is hard to not end up thinking about her.

The way she flicks her hair when she is about to tell me off. Her snide remarks whenever I try to pick on her. She never backs down. And I hate to admit that I actually liked it. Our banter, sometimes, even makes me smile for no reason at all. I hate to think about it. I hate to think about how much I like it.

Last time when I was here with Gemma, I had to go home early because my grandmother had been hospitalized...again. The only person who genuinely loved me and understood me. My parents can't sit in the same room for more than a minute without turning it into a battleground. I've never been their first priority or maybe I was before everything took a turn for the worst.

So here I am now. Taking the shit that has been long overdue.

I am on my way to the class when I see Gemma laughing with Elaine in the corridor. Yeah, it is lunch. She is not the type to bunk a class.

"Oh news flash: Teacher's pet finally got the time to live a little. Never thought I'd live to see the day." I mock a shocked expression.

"Unlike you, I know how to manage my studies and also "live a little". Just so you know I have friends who actually appreciate how I am and not mock me just because they think I'm better than them, again, unlike you." She retorts.

" Everyone likes someone like you for a single reason."

"Oh and what, pray tell, is that?" She challenges with a hand on her waist.

"Haven't you ever heard that a nerd can help you get good grades?"

"Someone's real jealous. And if you have so much problem with me, then why don't you go find someone else to annoy who'd actually pay a heed to what you have to say because, clearly, I don't." She stomps off.

"Why can't you, for once, talk to her like a decent person?" Elaine asks, bemused.

"Where's the fun in that?" I say my eyes following Gemma's retreating figure.

"God! You're so weird, Andrew. If you like her, be nice and if you don't, just leave the girl alone. Why do you keep finding new ways to annoy her?" Now Elaine is annoyed too.

"I bet she likes hating me more than I like to get on her nerves." Not that I am irritated by the fact that the idea of her hating me bothers me so much. Why does it matter? I hate her too.

Do I really though?

"Ugh, you need help." Elaine says as she goes back to her classroom just as the bell rings indicating the lunch is over.


After the school is over, I am exiting out of the double doors when I see her again. But this time, she is not with any of her friends or alone. Instead, she is with a boy. Tall, built and probably 19 or 20. They are talking and suddenly, she starts laughing at something he says. I feel...something. weird. jealousy? Is that what I feel? For someone I hate? That can't be possible. But all I want to do is go there and tell him to leave her alone.

I am definitely out of my mind.

But before I can process any of these irrational thoughts, I start moving towards them.


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