chapter 5

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               "Thank you so much, that was nightmare, i hope you guys enjoy this next one." I grabbed onto the mic in hopes of figuring out what song to sing.

Aaron saw I was hesitant, so he started playing High Enough.

"I dont like anyone better than you, its true, id crawl a mile in a desolate place with the snakes, just for you"

Ben and devi where on the right side of stage,kissing every once in a while, paxton was on the left and just gave me a dirty look.

"Oh, im an animal, hand me a tramadol, gimme the juice, you are my citadel, you are my wishing well, my baby blue, oh oh oh"

"Yo devi wtf, I thought you were dating paxton."

Everyone turned to where noise came from, and sure enough it was trent who blurred out devis two timing secret.

Devi left and when paxton didnt sew her he thought trent was just pulling a prank on him, Ben was the opposite, Ben was hurt.

"I used to like liquor to get me inspired but you look so beautiful, my new supplier, I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking but I found a different buzz"

I didnt want to get off stage because I knew the second I got off id have to tell both paxton and Ben the truth.

~2 hours later~

"Thank you all so much for coming, just remember....!" All the boys got diffrent mics.

"Just have fun and use protection!" We all yelled at once.

Ben and paxton where on different side of the stage waiting for me.

I went ober to paxton for a quick second.

"Hey paxton I cant go over for the pre party thing, I have some family stuff to attend to." Its true just not like that you know.

"Alright, ill catch you latter gross."
And with that he left.

"We need to talk amy." Ben was angry and sad I mean who wouldnt be.

"I know we do." I put my head down and walked with Ben to our car.

" but we will talk when we get home to not worry anyone." Ben drove us home.

"You sound like mom" we both chuckled, at times like this im kinda glad hes my brother, hes dumb but, nevertheless hes a good person inside and sometimes out.

Rockstar- A Paxton Hall-Yoshida bookWhere stories live. Discover now