Chapter 10

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Back at the camp, Kimblee was getting his arm taken care of because of the bullet. Soon after the doctor's finished with him Kimblee was sent off to his tent so that he could rest but on his way back to the house he had gotten soaking wet from the pouring rain. He sighed as he reached his tent then he did his best to dry himself off.  After he got done he threw his towel to the side then he went and sat on his bed with a sigh. Then he spit out the gem and held it in his hand then he cleaned it off. "I'm still grateful for this but it's so dangerous and unstable if not put in the right hands..." Kimblee sighed some then he looked out the window and watched as the rain fell to the ground. After a bit a person brought him his dinner then Kimblee asked them to stay so that he could have someone to talk to. The person nodded then they sat down across from Kimblee but they remained quiet. Kimblee tried to create small talk with them but then he was just fed up and he sent them away. After a bit Kimblee got his coat on and his boots then he walked out and headed towards the Ishvalan village.  Whenever Kimblee arrived it was dead silent as if nothing was alive or if anything was alive it wasn't moving. He kept on walking deeper into the village. The village laid in ruins and the air was filled with so many different smells all ranging from rotten food to decaying people. All he did was cover his nose and kept on walking deeper and deeper into the mess that they had made.  At one point he stopped in front of a family of Ishvalans that were already dead then he kneels in front of them. "You filthy rats deserved this and I hope you rot in hell." He said as he stood up then he kicked the head of the dad and there was a sickening cracking and snapping sound that would send chills up anyone's spine. 

Miles had heard the sickening sound and he silently blew out the candles that he had lit but he wasn't the only one there at the little hide out. He had found some children that were hurt and he had taken care of them. They were all holding onto his leg as they tried to stay quiet because Kimblee wasn't far from where they were. Miles looked at the kids then he quietly pulls out his weapon and held it firmly in his hand. One of the kids started sniffling because of how scared that they were. Miles held the child close and he tried to comfort them the best that he could. 

Kimblee had heard the sniffling child then he walked over to where the sound was coming from. Once he got there everything looked normal but what he didn't know was that Miles had hidden the place so well that it blended into its surroundings. Miles kept the children quiet as he watched Kimblee walk and looked around the place. Then all of the sudden one of the children was getting ready to sneeze. At first Miles helped them not sneeze then they sneezed the loudest sneeze ever. Kimblee just smirked as he grabbed the door and it slowly started to creak open. Once he got it open all the way and stepped in with a smirk. "hello there~ Who's ready to die?~" He purred and smirked some as he gives them an evil smile.

A Forbidden Love (Kimblee x Miles fma)Where stories live. Discover now