Chapter 4

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Miles got to work quickly trying to help his family get out of the country but that was hard because of all the soldiers that were already on the boarder of the small nation. His father worked beside his son's side and they finally had a plan to get them out of there. They all knew that it wasn't going to be easy but they knew what they had to do in order to survive. Miles tucked in his younger siblings into bed after reading them a bed time story. He headed to his room to get ready for bed but he stopped when he heard his mother and father talking about the plan. "Hun, are you sure you're wanting to do this plan so soon?" His mother asked his father.

"Yes dear, I do want to do this. I want you and our kids safe. I also don't want them involved in this war because we don't know if we'll ever see them again if they do fight." He said as he unbuttoned his shirt. 

"I know hun.. but you staying behind isn't an option. I need you and so do our children. We all need you to help us once we reach paradise." She got up and hugged him

"I know dear but I am doing this so that you can see paradise even if I don't make it there to see it." He turned and hugged her tightly as he kisses her forehead. 

"Don't even talk like that! You will see paradise with us!" She teared up and looked up at him. "Please I want you to see paradise with me and the kids."

"Okay okay hun.. I'll come with you guys and I'll see paradise but you do know that one of us has to stay behind in order to insure our family's safety." He said gently as he wipes her tears away.

"Yes I know that but I don't want you to stay behind because I love you so much that I can't lose you." She gently touches his hand and holds it there.

"I know and I love you too. You know that I would do anything to make sure that you live." He smiles gently and kisses her forehead gently.

"Yes I know that... anyway we should get to bed since we have to get up early tomorrow morning." She yawned softly then went over to their bed and laid down.

"Yeah you're right hun." He follows behind her and laid down on the other side of the bed and held her close. "Goodnight dear."

"Goodnight love." She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Miles sighed softly and had his mind made up. He was going to be the one to make sure that all of his family made it across to paradise. He went to his room and laid on his bed thinking about how he was going to pull that off. He loved his family more than anything and he would do anything to make sure that they were safe even if it meant that he would give up his life for them. With that final thought he fell asleep and slept peacefully until morning.

A Forbidden Love (Kimblee x Miles fma)Where stories live. Discover now