Chapter 1

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(Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this new story that I'll be writing. Also school will be starting soon for me but I'll try to update at least one or twice a week. Um yeah that's about it so to the story we go!)

Kimblee was called into the King Bradley's office for an urgent matter. He walked down the hallway to Bradley's office then he softly knocked on the door. "Come on Kimblee." Bradley said in his soothing voice.

Kimblee walked into his office and looked at him. "You summoned me King Bradley?"

"Yes I did. Have a seat Kimblee we have a lot to discuss about." Bradley said as he pointed to the seat in front of him.

Kimblee obeyed and sat down in front of him. "May I ask what this is about sir?" Kimblee asked as he looked at him curiously.

"I'm getting to that. Now I'm sure you're aware of what's going on over in Ishvala?"

"Yes sir I am." Kimblee said as he kept looking at him.

"Good. Now I'm going to need you to go over there and help our troops out. I'll be sending Mustang and Hawkeye with you. I'm sure you've heard of the duo by now." Bradley said as he worked his deployment papers.

"Yes sir I've heard of the two but I'm sure I can handle any Ishvalan by myself." He said as he leaned back in his chair.

"I'm sure that you can but I'm going to give you something that will help enhance your powers to give you more than what you have." He opened his top drawer and pulled out a small vial.

"Huh? What would help me enhance my powers? Aren't I already strong enough?" He tilts his head to the side and looks at Bradley with a curious look.

"You are strong enough but I'm giving you something that will change your world and make you unstoppable." He hands him the vial which held the philosopher's stone.

He takes it and looks at it. "What is this King Bradley?"

"It's a philosopher's Stone. It will help your powers grow more powerful and you'll be one of the strongest people alive. Don't show anyone until you reach the battlefield. And use it wisely Kimblee." Bradley warned him.

Kimblee nodded and put the vial in his pocket. "Thank you sir. I'll do my best to defeat the Ishvalans for you King Bradley." Kimblee stands you and bows to him some.

"I know you'll make me proud, Kimblee. Your train leaves tonight and you'll be there in a few days. So I suggest you get going." He stands you then shakes his hand.

He shook his hand then turned to leave but he didn't know than Ishvala was going to change his life forever.

A Forbidden Love (Kimblee x Miles fma)Where stories live. Discover now