Chapter 14

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    Both Hawkeye and Mustang were thinking of a plan of how to get Miles out of the camp without being seen by any of the other soldiers there. Mustang had been pacing so much that he started to tear a hole in the rug. Hawkeye gives him a look then she gets up from her seat and carefully walks over to him as she gently grabs his arms. "Roy, calm down you're starting to tear a hole in the rug. Now if people see that then they are going to think hat you're worried about something then they are going to get worried and things could go down hill from there." She spoke in a soft tone of voice as she kept a soft grip on Roy's arm.

    He stopped and looked her as he truly was worried about what would happen. "I know.. I know.. I am sorry. It's just," He sighed heavily, "They have Miles here and I know that Kimblee is going to try to break him so he can have the information that he has.. I just don't know how much Miles can take of what brutal punishments and torture lay ahead of him if he doesn't tell Kimblee what he wants to hear." Roy spoke softly and he was very very concerned.

    "I know that you're worried, Roy. I am worried to.. we haven't heard from the outside camps for days now.. during the battle tomorrow I am going to try to sneak away to make contact with them again.. then I am going to go look for the kids that Miles was trying to smuggle out of the town. Though.. I truly do fear the worse.." Riza looked down at the ground some as she had a few tears threatening to slip out of the corner of her eyes.

Roy looks over at her then he gently pulls her close to give her a gentle hug. "Shh.. shh.. darling.. I'm sure that they are safe and if not then... you can kick my ass and I wouldn't be mad about it. I can try to come with you but it seems like Kimblee is keeping me pretty and I can't get a moments peace without being interrupted by either Kimblee or someone else." Roy held Riza close to his chest then he moves his hand up to her forehead and carefully moves the hair out of her face since it was covering her beautiful colored eyes.

"No no Roy.. I think that I should go alone so Kimblee won't suspect anything. I'll be fine since I can handle myself out there on the battle field and you know that I can. But still once I found out anything I will come straight back to you and I will let you know of any new information. You have my word." Riza looks up at him then she gently wipes the tears away then she slowly moves away from him. "Alright... I think that we should go ahead and grab a few hours of sleep since it may be a while again before we have another good night of sleep." She sighed softly then she turns to leave Roy's tent but Roy grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him once again.

"Riza, please.. uh stay in here with me tonight and I promise I'll keep my hands to myself." Roy spoke as he smiled innocently but his hands got smacked kinda hard by Riza which made him chuckle softly. "Okay okay! I double promise I'll keep my hands to myself." He pulls her close then he gives a gently places a kiss on her lips as he got ready for bed.

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