Chapter 12

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Miles snarled at Kimblee and gives him the nastiest look that he could make. "What they hell do you want with me Kimblee? I will never tell you anything." Miles spits and it landed in the dirt in front of Kimblee's shoes. Kimblee calmly got up and walked over to Miles in one quick motion he back hands Miles very very hard on the cheek. Then Kimblee grabs Miles's torn up shirt which was torn beyond repair and it looked liked he wasn't even wearing one.

"Now now that wasn't very kind for you to do, Miles. I could have killed you already but I'm not going to since I need you for the information that's in your head. If you don't give it to me then I'll get it one way or another. Whether it's willingly or not." Kimblee stated as he lets go of his shirt then he walks over to the nearby table and grabs a knife off of it. Then he twirls it in his hands before turning around and looking at Miles. He very slowly walks around Miles. "Now you're going to tell me what information I want to hear or you can suffer the consequences. Now where's the Ishvalan Headquarters?" Kimblee asked as he keeps walking around Miles giving him an emotionless look as he waited for an answer. Miles just kept his mouth shut and glared at Kimblee then he moves his wrists around to see if there was any wiggle room for him to get free but there wasn't. "Not going to talk? That's fine. I have plenty of ways to making you talk." Kimblee said then he went to work on Miles doing everything that he could do to make Miles talk but nothing he did worked. After a while Kimblee left an unconscious Miles who was wounded and bruised. Kimblee wipes the sweat off of his face since he had been in the tent with Miles for hours. He walks over to one of the higher ups to tell them that he didn't have much luck getting their prisoner to talk but whenever he woke up he'll go at it again. After he gave them his report he goes to his tent to retire for the night as he was hungry, hot and worn out.

Roy had heard rumors that they had an Ishvalan prisoner in the camp but no one said who it was so he went on a secret mission to find out who it was. He eventually found the tent which where Miles was. Then he quickly rushed over once he saw the condition that Miles was left in and he does all that he could to help him. "I'm so sorry that you're here.. I'll do everything in my power to help you escape from here... Don't worry too much.." Roy said barely above a whisper as he slowly got up and left the room.

As soon as the moon was high in he sky a mysterious figure walked right into Fuhrer Bradley's office. They locked the door behind them whenever they shut the door then they walked over to the desk. "Where's the stone? Father wants it back because he needs it for his plan." They said to Bradley as they sat on his desk.

Bradley sets down the file that he was looking at then he looks up at the person who was now sitting on his desk. "Why should I tell you where the stone is at Greed? And we both know that you're not going to give it back to father because well you want more power because you're the weakest out of us all. Also I don't suggest you trying to pick a fight that you won't win. We both know that you won't win at all. So now get out of my office before I throw you out of here." Bradley said as he picks up the file that he was looking at.

"Ugh! You make things so difficult! If you actually come to the meetings when you need to then you'd be all caught up with what's going on behind the scenes. Father wants the stone so that he can find a new Pride since the other one died. He'll come for it himself and it won't be a pretty sight once he's done." Greed snarled as he gets off of the desk.

Bradley didn't look up from his files that he was looking at. "You can tell Father not to worry about it because I have found the perfect person to be the next Pride. Now whenever the war is over and he comes back home I'll bring him to Father so that he can do the ritual and change in to Pride. Now get out of my office before someone sees us and then we would both get in trouble." Bradley said then shortly after that Greed left the office leaving Bradley alone once more.

A Forbidden Love (Kimblee x Miles fma)Where stories live. Discover now