Chapter 11

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Miles moved the kids to the secret room as soon as he had heard Kimblee creaked open the door. Miles turned and looked Kimblee dead in the eyes as she stood there with his weapons in his hands. Miles growled softly. "The only person who's dying here today is you Kimblee and I'll make it my personal goal to kill you slowly." 

"I think that you're dead wrong Miles. I won't be the person dying today. That person will be you and those kids that you're hiding in that small little room." Kimblee said as he slowly walked across the small room towards Miles. Miles watched as Kimblee walked closer to where he stood then Kimblee looked at Miles in the eyes. "Maybe I'll just capture you and then make you watch as I kill those kids one by one." Kimblee said as he had a smirk on his face. 

Miles started growling louder. "I will not let you touch those kids." He snarled at him then he made his move and attacked Kimblee wince they were in close range of each other. Miles tried to stab Kimblee in the gut with his dagger but Kimblee side step then he kicked Miles in the ass which made Miles fall down to the ground. Miles growled and got up quickly then he charged at Kimblee again but this time Kimblee lets Miles get really close to him. Then Kimblee grabs Miles's hand and pulled it behind his back hard. Miles put up a fight as he struggled against him as he tried to stab him with the dagger that was still in his other hand. Kimblee kept his other hand at bay. "You will stop this right now or things will just get worse for you Ishvalan." Kimblee said with a frown on his face. "And I also thought that you would put up more of a fight but I guess I was wrong." Kimblee snickered then he just knocked him out and let Miles crumble to the floor. Then it started thundering outside as Kimblee did the deed and after he had finished he grabbed Miles and he dragged him to the camp where they were staying. That's when some of the soldiers looked at him with a weird look they they went back to what they were doing. 

After a bit Kimblee got Miles all set up in a tent and made sure that he could escape from the tent. Miles woke up a few minutes later with a groan then he slowly picks up his head and looks around some so that he could see where he was. He tried to get up but he quickly learned that he could not go anywhere. He growled softly then he saw Kimblee sitting in the chair off to the side. "I will not talk or break to someone like you." Miles spat at him as he also glared at him. Kimblee just sat there then he slowly got up and walked to him. "Oh we have ways of making you talk Miles~" Kimblee said with a smirk and an evil look in his eye.

((I am so so so so sorry for the late chapter! school had  kept me really really busy but I shall try to write more! 

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