Chapter Twelve: Surprise pt. 1

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Previously on we were only seven

Then I headed out the door to Jackson's apartment I didn't call him since I knew he would still be sleeping. I needed talk to him about what happens with the boys and apologized for not realizing how big of a jerk I was.

But if only I knew that I was going to have visitors myself.

Jungkook's POV

When we all woke up we couldn't find Y/n anywhere.

"Where could she have gone" I asked no one in particular

"Wait guys look a note" J-Hope called

Reading the note aloud so the other could hear, he read

Dear BTS,

I'm sorry I left without your consent, but I had to leave as soon as I could. I didn't want o bother any of you, you looked so peaceful. You guys worked on the world tour so I thought to let you guys get some well deserved sleep.

Love, Y/n

"Wow she can write in Korean" Tae hyung said impressed

"Yeah that is cool, but she could have woken us up, Jimin pointed out, now we don't even know where she is"

Then Jin hyung started to breath harder

"Hyung are you alright, I asked, what happened" Namjoon hyung asked him

"Y-y/n she's p-panicking" she said trying to catch his breath.

Immediately Tae closed his eyes to try and reach to her.

Tae, as said before has the power to heal his soulmates emotionally and physically. He's always the one to understand how everyone feels and he always tries to find a way, a plan, or anything that that can help his soulmates feel better. That's what Jungkook loved about his older soulmate how he would go to the ends of the earth to find something to make his soulmates happy. As long as they were happy so was he.

As Jungkook was thinking how much he loved Taehyung he realized that's his lover broke into his signature boxy smile. Before he could ask what happened Tae said, "she's okay now"

"Really, what happened that she felt panicked?" Jin hyung said making sure that his soulmate was okay.

"From what I gathered she was telling her family why she hasn't called them and she had gotten nervous so I just helped calm her down" Tae said proudly, happy that he had helped his soulmate.

Then there was a knock on the door. Jimin opened the door to find our manger

"Guys we are about to have a meeting about the schedule for the day" he said

"Okay we'll be there soon, Rm said, then Jimin closed the door, okay everyone let's get ready, we can figure out where Y/n went after the meeting" Rm directed

(Bro it's so hard writing this with nails😭😭)

Jhope's POV

After we had the meeting we had the rest of the day off. Our mangers all thought we could use the rest before we had to deal with the airport traffic tomorrow.

We all went to our hotel rooms to change into something comfortable. I had a room with Jimin. Rm, Jin and Suga had a room together and V and Jungkook roomed together.

I had just came out the bathroom when I could hear Y/n. Stopping to figure out what she was thinking I heard her say going back. Going back, going back where? I started to panic as Jimin came up to me and asked if I was okay.

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