Chapter Twenty-Eight: Meeting of a lifetime

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Previously on we were only seven

Making a frying pan appear I watched until the doctor left the room before turning the lock to open the door with telekinesis. Coming in Jimin jumped and almost yelled before he saw who it was and started to cry tears of joy. Seeing Jimin tided up and with tape over his mouth only made me braver to take out the doctor (is he even a doctor at this point I mean really). As the criminal came back in the room I banged the pan over his head and knocked him out. Dropping the pan I united Jimin.

"Oh my god we were so worried about you" I said before I kissed him

"I missed you so much" Jimin said with tears still streaming down his face

"I missed you too, but we have to get out of here before he wakes up" I said picking up the guy and putting him in the chair Jimin was just in and tided him up. After I finished I told Yoongi where we were, while Jimin and I waited for he police I made sure he was alright before I made a blanket appeared.

Time skip

Back at the hospital the others was crying and hugging Jimin saying how worried they all were esp. Tae and JK.

"You know I told you to wait" Yoongi said walking over to me

"I know and I'm so sorr-" I started only to be stopped by Yoongi kissing me

"Don't ever do that again" Yoongi said

"I won't, I said, because we are finally back together" I said 


Y'/'s POV

It has been two months since Jimin was kidnapped and we are all getting back on schedule the guys are getting back into the grove of music making and I'm attending college or trying to since the boys refuse to let me go without calling them or talk to them thru the mind link between classes.

So we'll see you after your last class, right? Namjoon said 

Of course I said walking to my last class of the day

Okay love you Namjoon said sweetly

Love you more I said as I smiled and but up the block in my head

"Well well well look who's all happy that their soulmate checked up on them" Jackson said as I sat next to him at the back of the class

"Whatever, it's not like Jae didn't send you love and affection" I sassed back

As for Jackson he moved to Seoul to be with his soulmate who also turned out to be  one of my many many biases Jae from Day6. Even though he will be my all time favorites I can't replace my boys. I'm so glad I get to have my bestfriend part of my new life.

"So the dinner is still on right, because they are coming and they are coming hungry" Jackson said 

"I know and Jin and I made everyone their favorite foods so hopefully it will go well" I said 

As you all might be wondering who the heck we're talking about well it's Jackson's and I family. They have been calling us none stop talking about when do they get to meet our soulmates. So we are finally going to introduce them. At the same time. Which honestly could go wrong, but Jackson and I like to drop things at the same time so people can digest all at once which over the years have not been affective.....oh boy.

Time skip

"Okay everyone they're here!" I yelled to everyone in the house

*Sigh* "you ready for this" Jackson said standing next to me getting ready to open the door to our big loud family

"Nope you, I said taking a deep breath, Hell no" Jackson replied 

"Then, let's do this" I said as the door bell rang

Opening the door we were ambushed with hugs and gifts and questions as our family came into the house. While our soulmates were all frozen behind us.

"Should we just keep standing here" Jae whispered

"I honestly don't know" Namjoon whispered back

"I think I'm going to pass out" JK said behind his smile that was frozen on his face

"I so wish I could go back to bed" Suga said shaking his head 

"Am I the only one sweating" Tae whispered

And as for Jin, Jimin, and Jhope well they were paralyzed

"And this must be your soulmates" Gigi said making the boys freeze in fear

Fortunately the boys didn't have to fear for long.....because they all passed out

30mins later

"Okay I think they're wake up" Jade yelled into the kitchen with a mouth full of food

"Oh oh are you guys okay" Zara said coming into the living room behind Jackson and Y/n as they checked on their soulmates

(If y'all are like me and are trying to figure out who the yell these people are let me save you the trouble of going all the way back *like I did* and tell you who they are. So you have Gigi and Daniel Y/n's older brother and sister and they're soulmates Jade who is Gigi soulmate and Zara who is Daniel's soulmate, and Jackson doesn't have siblings. On with the show)

"Yeah, I think so" he said as he got up and helped Jimin up

"Wh-what happened" Jae said rubbing the back of his head

"Well you all passed out when we saw you guys behind Jackson and Y/n" Daniel said with his arm over Zara's shoulder

"Oh, that's why my head hurts" Taehyung said holding his head

"I do hope y'all are okay" Mrs. Wang said 

"We'll be fine thank you" Namjoon said rubbing his back

"Wait you all speak Korean" Jhope said surprised 

"Yes we do when Jackson and Y/n were learning the language they made us learn it to" Mr. Wang said smiling

"It was that or hear them complain for 6 months" Y/n's dad said laughing with Mr. Wang

"Okay that is not true" Jackson said

"Yeah and it was very important to us" Y/n said with her hands on her hips

"We know" Their family said then they all started laughing

"I say we all go sit down and have a nice dinner" Y/n's mom said

So they all got a plate of food and talked all night long. Making it the best family dinner they've all ever had


And that everyone is it for this book

 I can believe that this is the end of my first book!!! 😁 😁😁😭😭😭

I hope you all have enjoyed reading as much as I have writing it

But do not worry I will be making other books soon 😉😉😉

And I will be making a epilogue for this book so I do hope you look forward to it

Another thing is after I make the epilogue I will be going on a hiatus, but I'll still be active so plz still comment and I'll might comment back

So with all my love have a good day/night, Handsome/Beautiful 🥰🥰🥰

See you later my loves 💜💜💜

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