Chapter twenty-two: Vincent Van Gogh

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I choose this name since V once called himself it hehe

Previously on we were only seven

After they finished they looked into each other eyes content that they had done something they love with someone they love. Moving in with each other's permission they kissed the sweetest kiss ever. sweeter than sugar and just as nice. overwhelmed with emotion Y/n knew that hope had done this because he had heard her thoughts and she knew she would have done the same for him if it were to happen.

Anytime, anywhere.


Y/n's POV

Waking up I kissed a sleeping Jk on the head before going into the bathroom to take a hot shower on a cloudy day.

Coming out I headed to the kitchen to help Jin with breakfast.

"Morning princess," Jin said kissing Y/n

"Morning WWH," I said causing him to blush

As everyone gathered in the kitchen for breakfast Jin and I set the food on the table.

Eating with everyone was loud but in a good way, we were talking and laughing and enjoying each other's company.

Looking around the table I started thinking about the quality time I spent with all the members knowing that it was their last day off.

But wait...


"Alright everyone today is the last day so tonight we are going to watch a movie together, but for now who's spending time with who," Jin said

"Dibs on Tae" I blurted out


"I mean I haven't spent any time with him cause he was always with someone so I call first dibs," I said before stuffing food into my mouth before I said anything else

"Uhhh okay Y/n has dibs on Tae, Jin said trying to move the attention away from me, Who else has dibs"

Then a war broke out

A long time skip after the war... and Jin's pink slippers

After everyone had calmed down everyone had someone to spend time with

And finally
Me and Tae

"Okay those who are going out make sure you are back by 9 pm so we can have enough time to eat, watch the movie, and sleep, Jin said as we go back to work tomorrow and Y/n starts school"

Everyone nodded and started their plans.

I grabbed Tae's hand pulled him outside to the garden that was near the apartment.

My plan was to gift him a new camera I had gotten off the web with the help of JK.

I wanted to give him a new one since his other one had somehow ended up in the dishwasher by Namjoon. Poor Joonie was so upset that he had ruined Tae's camera that we all had to cuddle with him for an hour.

So with the thought of reassuring Joon and Tae, I got him a new camera so Joon can stop apologizing which will probably not happen.

"Okay so now that we are here I have something for you," I said as I pulled out the bag

"I didn't know we had to get gifts," Tae said surprised

"no no this is specially, for you," I said 

Taking the bag Tae pulled the camera out. It was the newest camera, it had all the qualities a photographer could ever want. 

(I don't have no idea what's the best camera, and I didn't feel like searching either so yeah...)

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