The Second Interlude

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The Second Interlude

Gaia POV

The hills shuddered with every breath I took the trees swayed even with a lack of any wind in the area and the many small creatures who lived on the local hills squeaked and scurried away as fast as their small legs could move. The power I felt daily from my domain had made me quite arrogant even among my fellow deities. But I was still rational enough to realize when it was time to let grudges fade. So with some internal reluctance, I swore to Chaos that I wouldn't interfere with my descendants' inconsequential childish spat.

That my son had been defeated was quite a surprise. Maybe more because of my personal oversight and what I liked to categorize as a training evaluation of the younger generation which was me just having a little fun with my new favorite grandson Perseus. That it was him that in my mind did most to defeat my fearsome son placated my more unhinged and prideful side because of his domain's close relation to mine, though his domain over Dusk and Dawn wasn't as welcome, though I do guess it is quite poetic.

The war I recognized had really gone out of control with divine beings and their constructs fighting across the surface of my domain. The loss of local nature spirits in areas was a tragic loss that I needed to keep my attention on and maybe send my grandson some pointers on. My children I noticed had been taking this war a little too laid back before getting their asses to work probably too late for it to do anything other than slowing down the advance of the... Olympians. There had also been quite a lot of defections from the Titans side already, the... my grandchildren and associated allies under the guidance and advice of Athena and the merciful Hestia searched the memories and observed the arriving defectors with an interesting strategy of Hestia being a warm and friendly figure lowering the guards of the defectors and Athena clinically striking at them with questions once they're off-balanced by the kindness shown to them.

After the defectors are either accepted or apprehended they go to if they were accepted a free patch of land on that floating island of theirs or being chucked into the newly constructed dungeon complex curtesy of Perseus. The dungeon was submerged into the ground under the floating city with only the windows of the highest cells sticking out and of course an entrance. I could have probably broken them out of it but with my change of heart, I didn't really fancy bothering with it. Not that they had anyone I cared for there. I didn't really understand why they made an underground dungeon for their prisoners and incarcerated them with my powers, but I concurred and reengaged in the fascinating show I got to observe. My grandchildren and their associated allies I noticed were quite proactive even with their two rapid relocations after their fight with my son about a month ago. First, they retook their little floating island before systematically visiting neutral Titans and other deities getting them to either join or swear to not interfere in any way.

My children eventually noticed their adversaries' stunt but like always they were too late and did too little, and only managed to conscript a handful of neutral deities. My grandchildren and their associated allies didn't stop there and moved on to deities who were sympathetic to the loyalist cause and either got binding oaths or put them in my grandson's dungeon complex. The Titans noticed this quite fast and tried to guard the remaining loyalist sympathizers which in hindsight was very inefficient but my children didn't think of that before it was too late and a number of the guards consisting of weak loyalists were either on the run, in Perseus' captivity or Tartarus and reforming.

My grandchildren and their associated allies decided to look higher up to the Titan High Command with a strike at Atlas' mountain home once again defeating him and sending him to the 'gentle' embrace of his uncle down under. A lot of Titans were quite shocked by their foes' daring strike having apparently forgotten that this had happened before and had begun to pack their things and leave before Kronos managed to reel them in and discipline them accordingly.

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