Chapter 2

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~Chapter 2~

Renesmee POV-

O my god! What am I going to do! I can’t stop thinking about Alec! My dad is going to kill me! Those nasty thoughts in my head of what I want to do with Alec. Renesmee your being stupid! He is part of the Volturi! They came to kill you remember! Renesmee he could never like you like that his here for Aro. I bet he didn’t even want to come here. He hates you, The Volturi hate m-

“God she hot! And I though Bella was sexy!” I heard Felix whisper. I bet the thought I couldn’t hear hem since I’m human.

Alec sighed. “Felix. We are here to see how the Cullen’s are doing and see if she,” I could feel him point at me. “Is dangerous. Not compare Bella to her Half-breed!” He hissed quietly thinking I couldn’t hear. 

How I hated hat word ‘Half-breed!’

I stopped in my tracks and let out a hiss. “You have been in my town for a few minutes,” I said, turning to face them. “And here you are talking behind my back! Thinking I can’t hear you! Just because I’m half human doesn’t make me stupid! And humans are not stupid, oblivious but not stupied! And High-breeds are really smart we can do the same things you can,” I was standing in front of Alec. “Maybe not as well! I’m not dangerous to human kind. I fit in better than you do! Don’t ever call me a ‘Half-breed’ ever again.” I stepped away from them trying to catch my breath. I looked up at them they looked in shock.

I sighed “If I were you I probably wouldn’t be think about my….” I said, trying to find the right words. “Expulsion. My father won’t be happy about you being here in the first place, and I don’t feel like getting a lexure of ‘Renesmee what were you thinking! Are you crazy! They could have killed you!’ I get enough of that from him. And today is my birthday and it’s going be stressful enough.” I said, starting into walk in the direction of the house. 

“Renesmee I—“Alec started to say something, but I took running. I was not in the mood to talk, I knew vampires are faster than me but I got a head start. I them behind me. I saw my house into the distance. My whole family was outside, My Aunts Rosalie and Alice, my Uncles Emmett and Jasper, my grandparents Carlisle and Esme, my parents Bella and Edward and my best friend also like a brother Jacob. They didn’t look happy. “Jakey!” I giggled. Running into his arms. His warm arm wrapped around me.  “Alec. Felix. What brings you to Forks?” Said Carlisle.

“Aro sent us to check on the Half-br…” I caught his eye. “Renesmee.” Alec kept his eyes on Jake and I. Looking at Jake’s arm wrapped around me. I blushed. “To see if she is or not dangerous.” Alec said not taking his eyes off of me.

“That means we have to fallow her everywhere.” Said Felix. My father hissed.

“Under two circumstances.” Said my father.

“You name it.” Said Felix before Alec could answer. Alec glared at Felix. My dad chuckled.

“Jacob must be in the room with you,” Dad paused Felix and Alec nodded, but Alec didn’t look happy. “And no drinking human bloods while you living with us.” Alec hissed. Felix looked at Alec with a disgusted face. Emmett started laughing and I stared to giggle.

Felix ignored us “Al. Aro said we had to go by there rules and listen pal.... it won’t kill us. Will it?”

My whole family started to laugh.

“No. It. Won’t. Kill. You. We. Drink. It.” I said between giggles.

“Fine we accepted your rules.” Alec smirked.

“That’s perfect! Renesmee your party is tonight and you don’t have a dress. Where going shopping!!”Aunt Alice said pulling towards her car.

“Jake. Can’t you come?” I said.

“Sorry Nessie. I have to help the pack.” He said Running into the forest.

“Alec? Felix? Are you coming?” I said looking at them.

“O we have to… umm….go somewhere.” Said Felix. Alec nodding in agreement.

I smiled. “You said you have to fallow me everywhere.” I smiled, grabbing their hands. They tensed at my touch. I heard my dad chuckled. “And don’t think for one moment I believed your lame excuse,” I said dragging them along. You would think after centuries of being around you could come up with a better excuse.  “If I have to be of tortured going shopping so do you.” They got in the Alice car. We started to drive away you could hear them whopping and laughing. I touched them “At least you don’t have to try on the dresses.” I put my though into their head. Felix shook his head, while Alec smirked at me. I heard the laughing get louder. No doubt my dad told my family what I said well though.

Maybe it wasn’t going to be so bad with hem here. There both good looking. My dad you kill me, if I told him that. Thank god. Where far enough for home.

Alec Volturi & Renesmee Cullen . Is this true love? {Alec & Renesmee Love Story}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt