ㅤㅤ〘 🔞 〙xiao ❁ a yaksha's secret

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touch grass everyone .

touch grass everyone

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In a certain inn in the middle of Dihua Plains, that is where the last yaksha often stays due to how hospitable the current owner of the Inn. Despite his cold demeanor, he is still given the ample care that a normal person would need. He would even receive a plate of his favorite food, a warm silky sweet almond tofu.

In return for the kindness he was bestowed upon, he protects the inn from malicious activities since he heard that it was raided by hoarders and monsters before.

Usually, the tourism in the area was rather strong to say the least and the only thing that prevented the tourist from renting a room in the establishment were the monsters blocking the ways towards the inn. Verr Goldet was very thankful for Xiao as he usually clears the mob of monsters surrounding the area.

After a tiring day of Xiao's so-called 'work', he would stay in a room especially made for him in the establishment. There he enjoys some solitude while watching the twinkling stars through his window.

The lone adeptus had just finished wiping off a mob of hilichurls near the inn when he met up with the traveler days after the Lantern Festival.. Xiao noticed that they don't have shelter to stay in so he suddenly grew worried even though he wasn't physically showing it.

There is a huge storm brewing up in the sky. He gazed up and saw a cluster of dark cumulonimbus clouds blocking the rays of the sun. Though eventually, the adeptus somehow ended up offering to stay in his room for a while just so the storm could pass.

You quickly snatched the offer and stayed with Xiao in his own room.

The male was rather exhausted from clearing the mobs all day so he threw himself on his bed while you sat down at the edge of the mattress.

"Have you always been.. alone here Xiao?" You broke the silence enveloping you two with a little question. The adeptus closed his eyes and hummed at your sudden inquiry. "I'm sorry, the question is too personal-"

"Not at all," Xiao stood up and stared at your direction. "I mean, I have you right now"

A cough escaped your throat as the adeptus lied his back on the bed once more. His amber colored eyes were still looking at you when he gently patted the empty space next to him. He was hinting for you to lie down next to him which had taken you back since you haven't seen him acting like this before.

After the Lantern Festival, things have changed between the two of you. For once, he's been showing more emotions than usual especially when you two are alone together. What catches your attention is how vulnerable the yaksha could get, one misunderstanding he'll immediately apologize to you even if it wasn't his fault.

You feel a pair of arms snake around your waist as the male pulls you closer to him. Almost immediately, you felt his toned chest against your back. It was probably due to the fact that he's been fending off evil during these past few millennia.

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