ㅤㅤ〘 F 〙diluc ❁ caught off guard

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"Master Diluc, the wine is now ready to be shipped to the tavern"

Connor alerted the red head who was currently inside the winery, filling up some paper works. It had been a busy week for Diluc, especially being the ever known 'darknight' hero and all.

The male nods curtly, "Send them. I'm sure Charles is already waiting for the stocks. Considering a lot of people go to the tavern at night"

"Right away sir" Connor nodded and went outside the winery.

Diluc pushed his chair back while placing his quill pen on the table. The paperworks that he filed was neatly stacked at the side. The stuffy smell of the books in their respective shelves make Diluc sick of being inside the winery all day.

With that in his mind, he silently made his way outside of the winery.

A nice view of Mondstadt was behind the winery since Cider Lake was just next to it. Diluc walked towards the grape vines and admired how the fruit was in season. Each grape vine was filled with the violet fruit, which means that they could make hundreds of wines this season.

The workers are on break and they travelled to Springvale for something to eat. Rumor has it that someone was making delicious food there so the workers decided to check it out.

It was only Diluc by the garden this time.

Rustling was heard from the grapevines. Diluc figured that it is one of the slimes again, trying to ruin the grapes on the vines. Grabbing his weapon, Diluc slowly walked towards the place where he heard the rustling sound and was surprised to see a lady.

They had (h/c) hair and eyes that seems to sparkle whenever they pop a grape in their mouths. Diluc stared at the person, dropping his weapon lightly on the ground.

The person flinched and looked back to see the red head staring at them. They jumped in fright and waved their hands, flailing them all about. "I-I'm sorry! It's just that the grapes are tempting me to eat them.. s-so I may had a few.."

"Who are you?" Diluc asked while retracting his weapon. "I'm not going to hurt you"

The stranger took a deep breath, "My name's (Y/n). I'm the archon for ( region of choice ). I'm currently visiting every region and Mondstadt is the first on my list" they replied, "Sorry for the grapes.."

A sigh escaped Diluc's lips while gesturing them towards the fruit. "Have as many as you like.. they're quite plenty anyway.."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened and thanked Diluc for his hospitality. They continued snacking on the grapes since it was rather sweet. It was sweeter than any of the grapes sold in their own region.

Diluc shook his head, "And if you have no place to stay, you're welcome to come by the winery. It's not polite to leave an archon wandering the streets without proper shelter anyway"

Then, Diluc went back to the winery with (Y/n) trailing behind him with a couple of grapes on their hands. The archon took a great liking on the fruit and was keep on complimenting Diluc for how sweet it was.

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