Ch1: Last day at Possom Springs

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Gregg's POV*

Today was the day, finally! Spring had hit and we finally saved enough money to go to Bright Harbor! I'm so happy! I was in the living room waiting for Angus to wake up I was practically jumping! Until a hurd a loud growly yawn, I smiled and stood up. Angus walked into the living room wearing his boxer shorts and a white t-shirt I ran to him and huged him tightly he still was half awake.  "Cap'in! We did it! We have enough money to go to Bright Harbor! Are you proud?" I asked as I pretty much  jumped into his arms making him stumble back a bit. "Yes yes! I know! I'm so proud bug! I can't wait it, will be amazing!~ how will we tell the others?" Angus asked starting to fully  wake up as he sat on the couch with me in his arms. I scratched my chin thinking. "Hmm..maybe we can have this as our very last day at Possom Springs! And we tell them on our last adventure in this small town!"

Angus's POV*

" last day here? I don't see why not! It could be fun! Let's go get dressed." I replied I held Gregg until we got to our room. We got dressed in our normal clothes and Gregg started to message Mae and Bea. I'm so excited for us! It will be great! It won't be cheap but we can do it we got so far and I want to die at least somewhere else from here in this small down, being the only gay couple in Possom Springs makes me a bit sad. But we don't have to worry any longer! By tomorrow we will be leaving this old dusty town and start our new life!

Gregg's POV*

I sat on our bed messing with the computer trying to get on messages. "Cap'in why are there so many tabs open on our computer!" I asked.  "Oh I was trying to code something in a game for Germ, so I have a bunch of stuff open." He said loudly since he was now in the kitchen  trying to find the coffee mugs to make some coffee for himself because coffee makes me anxious so I can't have any. I finally got to messages and messaged in a group chat.

~group chat~

Mae: What?! Last day?! Why didn't you tell us sooner!!

Gregory: because I wanted it to be a surprise!

Bea: well it certainly is. Let's meet up at the click clack diner.

~end of group chat bit~
I got up and ran to Angus who was finishing up his coffee. "Hon! Let's go to the click clack! The others are meeting us there! I'll tell Germ to join too!" I yelled as I was practically dragging Angus to out of our old apartment building to the click clack.

~when everyone got to the click clack~
No one's POV*

Everyone was at the click clack sitting with Gregg and Angus at a round table. Things seemed a bit sad so Angus tried to lighten up the mood. "Hey let's go one one last hang out at this town! I think it could help make the last day special!" Angus said in a happy tone. Mae looked over at Gregg then at Angus . "Crimes?" She asked. "No crimes." Angus and Bea said  together both Mae and Gregg awwed. "Y'all can visit when we get settled in!! We can talk everyday on messages and I think we can make this work !" Gregg said cheerfully. Bea sighed and took her cigarette out of her mouth blowing the smoke away from the group in fear it would effect Angus's asthma. "We will miss you guys, me AND Mae, but I can definitely say we will visit you guys." She said with a smirk, "we are ready when y'all are!" Mae blurred out putting her hands on the table. "Anyway in honer of you guys moving let's get pizza!!" Mae said excited. Everyone agreed and they yelled out a yes. As they waited for the pizza Gregg snuggled up with Angus and the girls asked many questions about bright harbor. After they ate they went off to the train tracks and hang out for a bit talking, playing around and laughing, then they had there last band practice and then went home wishing eachother a goodnight. Gregg and Angus started packing everything up then went off to bed, Tomorrow is a big day.

Goodbye Possom Springs,  NITW Gregg x Angus Where stories live. Discover now