ch5: date night and something else?

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Gregg's POV*

A few days has passed since we moved and we where sitting on the couch, Angus had our computer doing some hacker shit he dose as I watched I think it's cool and all but it got boring fast for me I didn't want to bother him but I did want to do something so I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed. No response, I sighed louder, nothing, I made a even bigger sigh and finally my teddy acknowledged me! "Alright bug I get it your bored. At least this time you didn't shut my laptop without me saving everything..." He said quietly as he saved everything and set the now closed laptop on the coffee table. "I Wana do somethinggg!!!!" I yelled out wiggling around. Me and Angus thought until Angus had the best idea. "How about a date night? We haven't had one in forever and we could have a nice date just the two of us!" He smiled putting a arm around me. I smiled and sat up in his lap "yes!!! That's a great idea cap'in! Let's go get ready!!" I said as I got up and ran to our room Angus chuckled and nodded as he fallowed.

Angu's POV*

I got dressed in a nice dress shirt and some jeans with some black dress shoes as I looked over at Gregg he had on a black band tee ripped jeans and some combat boots with a huge goofy smile on his face. "W-what! It's a date night so I wanted to dress up nice for you.." I said blushing as i put on my Fedora hat and walked out of the room to the front door as Gregg ran behind me. "Nah nah not that! You look great cap'in!" He said kissing my cheek I huffed kissing him back as we walked out and locked the door. We walked into the elevator down to the lobby and out the building to a diner we found.

*Gregg's POV*

We sat down at a table in the diner and got pizza! There where a few people there like family's and other lovers. I sat in front of Angus admiring him as he rambled about some computer stuff he knows dame well I don't understand but still tells me about it, It's nice to hear about though! When the pizza came out I was the first to try it. One bite and my eyes shot more open I looked angus dead in the eyes. "This pizza is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING WH-" I yelled out I jumped in my seat and I took more bites. Angus laughed and ate a slice as well. "Yes yes I know it is but shhh!! People are looking at us..-" he said awkwardly. I agreed and we ate the pizza talking about a bunch of different things! Then we went to the park! We had a nice time playing around and snuggling on a bench!

Angus's POV*

It was now night and me and Gregg where now at our apartment building on the roof looking up at the stars. There was something I have been planning..for a while now..Gregg and I have been together for four years now..I think it's finally time I do this.

*No one's POV*

Angus got up nervously and got Gregg to stand up too. "Huh? Something wrong cap'in?- o-oh?!" Gregg said being cut off by Angus's actions. Angus got on one knee and looked Gregg in the eyes and pulled out a small box as he cleared his throat. "U-uh..Gregory Lee, we have been together for years are the love of my life and the best thing to ever happen to me..and you have gave me the joy of being your boyfriend..a-and I want to go up a step..since we have moved and started our new life..I knew you where the one..w-what Im trying to say is... Gregory Charles Lee..w-will you do me the honor of becoming your husband...and marry me?" Angus looked up into gregg's eyes as he opened the box to a golden ring. Gregg was shocked, he had his hands covering his mouth he started jumping around yelling on the top of his lungs "YES! YES!!! YESS!!!! I WILL MARRY YOU!! Oh Angus you are the best thing that had happened to me of course! I love you so much!!" Gregg yelled sobbing, Angus put the ring on gregg's finger and picked him up kissing him on the lips under the moon light and stars. Angus looked down at his now fiance and smiled. "I love you too bug~"

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