ch13: the day before the big day

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*no one's POV*

Gregg was laying in bed very excited, it was early in the morning and he was waiting for Angus to wake up. Today was the day before the wedding and they have been setting up a bit but today will be a very VERY busy day for the two. Lucky Mae and Bea are there to help out. The girls came the night before and they where asleep in gregg's and Angus's living room.

Gregg got up and ran to where the girls where and shook mae. "Mae...Mae..!! Wake up dooder." Gregg said as Mae slowly woke up. Mae opened her eyes to see Gregg over her with a big toothy smile. "Ugh...Gregg is 6am! Let me sleep!" Mae said very annoyed. "But Mae. We gotta get prepared for tomorrow it's the big day tomorrow!! I'm so excited!! But also hella nervous-" Gregg said looking back at there bedroom door hearing Angus yawn. "gregg...Gregg...GREGG!!" Bea screamed. "What???" Gregg said as he looked down at Bea who he was accidentally kneeling on. "Your knee is literally stabbing my stomach GET OFF."Bea said pissed off as she shoved Gregg off of her. "AAGH!! Sorry!!" Gregg said as he fell on his back on the floor. Angus stepped into the living room rubbing his eyes. "Guys...why are you so's 6!!" Angus said yawning. "Oops! Sorry cap'in! I ment to only wake up Mae!!" Gregg said rubbing the back of his neck. Angus nodded and sat next to Gregg leaning on his shoulder. "Why are you on the floor?" Angus asked confused. "Because he was stabbing my stomach with his leg!" Bea responded sighing. "I said I was sorry- but any way now that we are all up we gotta get ready!! Tomorrow is a big big big big day!!! " Gregg said jumping up to his feet. Angus smiled and got up and gave Gregg a quick kiss on the cheek.

They all got dressed and Gregg,Bea,and Mae sat around the table while Angus was next to them cooking breakfast. "Alright! What do we have to do today?" Mae asked rubbing her eyes. "Weeeeell we gotta get the suites and dresses we got, we gotta meet up with Angus's brother, we gotta get the wedding chapel ready Angus said he has to get the cake!" Gregg said happily. "One, your way too hyper for this hour In the morning- and two that's alot- will we have enough time? Y'all's wedding is tomorrow!" Bea explained but Gregg nodded in a 'yes' "yeah! We can do it! AGGHHHH IM SO EXCITED!!! AWWOOOOOOO!!!" Gregg yelled Mae stood up and slapped her hands on the table "AWWWWWOOOOOOO!!!!!" She yelled back as they both laughed. Angus sighed "will you two stop we will get noise complaints!" He said as he put the plates of pancakes on the table and sat down with Gregg. "Sorry cap'in! Oh! Pancakes!!!" Gregg yelled but less loudly

After breakfast they all got out of the apartment building and got in Bea's car, Gregg and Mae in the back Bea driving and Angus in the front with her. Gregg was jumping around in his seat he wouldn't sit still! Angus looked back at Gregg and smiled chuckling a little bit. "Bug you ok?" Angus asked calmly. "Yeah!!! I'm great!!" He replied. "Well stop that you'll get hurt-" Angus got cut off my Bea. "Heads up! Speed bump!" She yelled as the car went up kinda high and gregg's head hit the top of the car. Mae took one look and started laughing. "You ok dude?" She said laughing. Angus was hella worried but Gregg kept reassuring he's ok laughing along.

They parked in front of a store for wedding clothes. Mae got a black suit with red tie, Bea got a black dress, Gregg got a black suit with blue tie and Angus got a black suit with green tie.

They all tried there outfits on and Gregg was in awe looking at Angus and so was Mae but only she was in awe for Bea. "C-cap'in! You look so handsome!!~" Gregg smiled as he got close to Angus kissing him Angus blushed and giggled a bit. "B-buggg!!~ hehe!!~ you look amazing as well!" Angus replied.  Bea twirled around in the dress. "Oh my god- I actually look pretty good huh!" Bea said as she smiled but looked at Mae. "Uh- mae- you ok?-" she asked as Mae staired at her with her   n I g h t m a r e   eyes and blushed a deep red. "Y-yEah! I'm ok! Totally not freaking out that my gf looks amazing and I don't know how to say it!"Mae said quickly, Bea laughed as she gave Mae a kiss on the cheek. They all changed back into there normal clothes and out the outfits in the trunk of the car carefully and they drove to the bakery.

Angus got out of the car and went inside the bakery and the others fallowed, this was where Angus worked and he knew they had good cakes to he chose to go here for the cake! There was a nice lady who Angus worked with. "Oh! Hello Angus! And others!" She smiled waving. "Hello Shannon! So look I'm getting married tomorrow with my boyfriend" he pointed over to Gregg as Gregg blushed. "I need a cake that will feed about 20 people can you do that for me?" Angus asked calmly as Shannon nodded they talked about details on cake and such before leaving and  getting back into the car. "I can't believe we got a discount!" Gregg said happily. "Well bug when your friends with your coworkers it can be helpful!~" Angus said giggling softly. "Alright to the wedding chapel! People should all ready be there." Bea said as she started driving. "What's Ritchie like?" Mae asked. "I dunno much the first time I met him he seemed cool!" Gregg responded a bit nervous.  "Gregg hon, your going to do fine he texted me the day before saying he was very impressed with you standing up to our mom! He likes you don't worry!"he said reaching to the back seat holding gregg's hand. Gregg smiled and nodded still a bit nervous.

When they got to the wedding chapel Bea parked next a  pick-up truck and they all got out. There where people getting it ready for the wedding and some guests where there too help as well like bea's dad and Mae's parents and gregg's parents. Ritchie, Angus's brother, was waiting outside for them.

Angus got out of the car and went to hug his brother, even though it's only been a bit since they have talked he missed his big brother. "Haha! Well happy to see ya too lil' bro! And hey, congratulations let's hope this is the right guy for you." Ritchie replied hugging his brother back, Gregg walked up to Ritchie and just stood there awkwardly until Ritchie gave him a pat on the back. "Ya' know, what you said to mom was pretty badass! Good job kid and congratulations!" Ritchie smiled but as soon as Angus turned away his smile faded and he grabbed Gregg by the collar of his jacket. "Now you listen here kid. If you ever hurt my brother I have no fear to kick your ass until your limp on the floor. Got it?" Ritchie said as Gregg nodded a bit scared but mostly determination to prove he was going to treat Angus right, Ritchie smiled and put Gregg down. "Good! Now let's go inside!" Ritchie said as he walked in the wedding chapel and the four fallowed.

The inside was beautiful, there where roses all around and it was decorated beautifully! Gregg's mother Shannon ran to him and hugged him tightly while crying. "Aww ma! It's not even the wedding yet don't cry now!!" Gregg said patting her back smiling. "I know I know I'm just so proud of you sweetie!! And you too! " She let go and hugged Angus, Angus was a bit startled but he hugged her back gently. " Oh wow! Ya know you never expect the big guy to be the softy and gentlemen!" Shannon said as Angus blushed. "He's a keeper!" She said giving Gregg a wink as she walked out to bea's car to help her get the cake out of the trunk. Gregg smiled and kissed Angus on the cheek then he ran to his cousin Jen. "JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNN!!!!!" Gregg yelled out as he ran full speed to her making her yelp as she and Gregg fell on the floor as they both burst out in laughter. "What are you doing here!!!" Gregg yelled as he flapped  his arms up and down. "Don't you remember?? I live RIGHT next to the beach!!" Jen replied as she fluffed gregg's hair up, Gregg always saw his cousin Jen as his sister she was there for him all his life. "also congrats! Who's the lucky guy?" Jen smiled as she got up and fixed her handkerchief around her neck. Gregg got up and grabbed Jens arm and ran to Angus which he was talking to Selma. "BAAAAABBBEEEEEE!!!! Meet my cousin!!! Jen!" Gregg yelled jumping around. "O-oh! Hello! I-im Angus I've hurd a bit about you it's nice to meet you!" Angus said as he shook Jens hand. "Huh not who I thought would be your type! But ethier way I'm happy for both of you! It's lovely to meet you too." They talked for a bit as they did more preparing for the wedding day before the main four going to there apartment for the night.

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