ch10: visiting family

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*gregg's POV*
it was a lovely morning but Angus and I  had to venture out too see his parents, it was one of those family things that he needed to go to and I suggested why not go to both of our parents house and share the news with them! We are going to Angus's parents house first to get this shit over with. "UGGHHHHH do we have too?!" I whined in the passenger seat of a car we borrowed from one of Angus's coworkers who he was kinda friends with. "Bug please..I don't want to do this ethier..we have too. I told Ritchie and he said he will be there as well so you can meet him. I want them to at least know I'm getting married to you. After mine we will be going to your mom's house." Angus sighed diving down the town. I groaned and looked out the window. "Well at least my family is a bit nicer then yours...they might not be jerks!" I said looking over at Angus. Angus mumbled something under his breath as he pulled into the neighborhood that his parents lived. "Sorry but they live in the country side we might have too drive far" I said trying not to make things any worse. Angus nodded and pulled into the drive way he stoped the car and parked. He just sat there his head in his hands. I rubbed his back trying to comfort him but he got out and I fallowed.

*No one's pov*

Angus knocked on the door and waited holding gregg's and tightly. His ears went down when he hurd someone yelling until the door was unlocked and there was Ritchie, Angus's older brother! "Hey lil' bro! How have you been- oh! You brought someone I see?" Ritchie said looking at Gregg. Gregg knew Ritchie was the only family member that Angus had that wasnt a horrible person he was kind to Angus. "Yes! Ritchie, meet greggory! My fiance." Angus said with a smile looking up at his older brother. "Fiance huh? Well I'll be dame!! So your the guy that my baby bro was dating for four years! He would not shut up about ya when we wrote to one another haha!! All good things I hurd bout' ya." Ritchie said as he shook gregg's hand Gregg nodded and he was just about to speak until a old woman yelled from the living room. "RITCHARD WHO'S AT THE DOOR?!" Angus's mother roared from the other room. Just hearing her made Angus hold gregg's hand tighter and his ears went down. "ITS ANGUS MA!! HE BROUGHT SOMEONE WITH HIM. AND I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME RITCHIE!!!" Ritchie sighed and let them in, they all went to the living room and Ritchie sat on a small couch.

"Ah..well arnt ya gonna say something?!" Angus's mom glared at Angus. Angus stuttered he was afraid to speak but he had to force himself. "U-uh..hey are things going..?" Angus said holding gregg's hand even tighter, Gregg was in pain from the pressure but he knew Angus couldn't help it. "Fine before you came. Who's that?." She asked as she took a puff of her cigarette shooting a look at Gregg. "U-umm...this is" Angus said quietly looking down. "What?! FIANCE?! fuckin' hell Angus could you be any LESS homosexual?! I mean look at him. You have no fucking taste."his mom replied rolling her eyes. This made Angus's blood boil he let go of gregg's hand for a moment. "WHAT?! ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPLY MOM?! I AM GAY WHAT DO YOU MEAN???? unlike you he loves me and he fucking saved my life from you and father. He is the best thing In my god dame life!! DONT TALK SHIT ABOUT HIM!" Angus yelled very loudly.  His mom got up and walked to Angus being the old lady she is she was pretty slow but still terrifying, she grabed the collar of Angus's favorite sweater he was wearing and was about to punch him. "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN TALK TO YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT?!" She roared.  "M-mom stop!! You'll hurt him!" Ritchie said he was about to stop him but Gregg stepped into the fight.

Gregg ran in and pushed Angus's mother away from Angus. " I WON'T LET YOU HURT HIM BITCH HES MY FIANCE AND YOU BETTER NOT BE AT OUR FUCKING WEDDING IN A MONTH YOU HEAR ME?! Angus let's go. now." Gregg said grabbing Angus and walking out slamming the door shut and got in the driver's seat of the car. Angus got into the passenger seat and started crying. "Cap'in..I'm sorry I messed things up...please don't cry hon..I only did it to protect you.." Gregg said while rubbing Angus back. "I-i's not your fault... I love you so much Gregg..please never forget..." Angus said drying his eyes while giving Gregg a big hug. "Do you still want to meet my parents? It will go way better I promise!" Gregg said while Angus nodded and with that they where off drying to the country side.

A few hours passed as they where finally in a country home in the middle of nowhere with a farm out the back. Gregg parked in front of the house and got out he opened the door for Angus and they both walked to the house. Gregg knocked and rang the doorbell a few times until he hurd a lady's voice from inside. "Who's there..?" The lady opened the door and staired at Gregg. "Greggory? Is that you?" The lady said adjusting her glasses. "Hey mom! It's me!!" He said smiling. "Oh greggory I haven't seen you in years!!! The only time I remember hearing of you is back when you had the ... Incident with your uncle and when you where in highschool. Greggory I'm very sorry." His mother said she opened the door fully to let Gregg and Angus in. "Mom it's ok what happened in the past will never change. I hope you don't mind but I brought someone!" Gregg said as he pointed to Angus. "Oh! You brought that boy you had a crush on! Oh dear you look as if you where crying!! Are you ok?" She asked looking at Angus walking them both to the kitchen. "Yes ma'am I'm alright! Just some family issues that's  Angus it's nice to meet you Mrs Lee." Angus said holding gregg's hand. "Oh please my boy call me sherry! I just finished making dinner won't y'all stay?" Sherry said kindly. " WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! YESSSSSSSS!!!" Gregg said wipping his arms around as he sat down next to Angus.
"HAROLD GET YER' SELF DOWN HERE GREGGY IS HERE AND HE BROUGHT A FRIEND!!!!" Sherry yelled on the top of her lungs. She put a few plates of food on the table for Gregg Angus herself and her husband Harold. Harold also knowned as gregg's father rushed down and sat down. "Ah! What took you so long to visit my boy?" Harold asked "aaggh!! Sorry pops! Me and Angus have been working lots lately!" We just moved to Bright Harbor! Oh!! Speaking of Angus, this is Angus! We have some special news to tell you!!" Gregg said happily pointing to Angus. Angus tipped his fedora and blushed. "A few days ago..he proposed!! We are getting married next month!!!" Gregg yelled he was jumping around happily. "B-bug! I didn't know you where gona tell them so soon!!" Angus whispered. Gregg's parents where shocked. "Oh I knew y'all where MENT for each other!! I'm so proud our son found someone as nice as you Angus dear!" Sherry said.

They all talked for a bit while eating and a bit after till the boys went home to there apartment and fell asleep on the couch.

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