ch14: The wedding day pt. 1

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~no one's POV~

It was early in the morning, the apartment was very quiet until a alarm went off. It was Angus's alarm on his phone, he set it up so that it would wake him up in the morning since today was a very important day. Gregg groaned as he shuffled around in the bed as he slowly began to wake up. Angus yawned as he reached over to the bedside table and hit the off button on the alarm and layed back down. Gregg nuzzled his face up against Angus's chest and wagged his tail listening to his lovers heartbeat. Angus pulled Gregg closer resting his hand on his hip leaning down giving him a good morning kiss. Gregg giggled and he kissed back. "Good morning bug~" Angus whispered as he rested his head on the pillow. "Mornin' cap'in~ today's the day!! I'm so excited~ I love you so much!" Gregg said wrapping his arms around Angus tightly, Angus smiled. "I love you too~ I'm excited too the first time I saw you do stupid things to get my attention I knew you where the one." Angus replied as he closed his eyes holding Gregg close slowly falling back asleep. Mae walked in wearing gregg's apron and whispered thinking they where asleep. "Yo Gregg you still Wana make breakfast? I'm all ready! Psst!! Gregg!!!" Mae whisper. "I'm awake duder don't gotta whisper! And yeah! I think Angus fell back asleep-" he said looking up at Angus who was  asleep, snoring in fact. Gregg got up and slipped a pillow where he was so Angus could still hold onto something and put on a apron and ran to the kitchen.

Gregg opened the blinds in the kitchen letting the light in as Mae got out some pans and turned on the stove. "Ok just to be clear I am the worst at cooking- Angus is the one who is the chef-" Gregg said nervously. "Dude! I know that's why we are just making pancakes! I can't cook for shit ethier!" Mae said laughing a bit as she grabbed the pancake batter from the cabinet. Gregg made sure the stove was hot enough and started to pour the batter into pancakes as Mae put small blueberries and cut strawberries in them as they baked getting them both messy with batter.

As the pancakes baked the two sat down waiting. "Hey hope you don't mind I invited Lori and Selmers too! I think you'll like them!" Mae said, Gregg nodded. " I know selma! She use to write our songs!! She's cool and Lori's grandmother lives right next door she visits sometimes! I met her once at Possom Springs and we talked about horror movies! She's a good kid." Gregg said, he looked a bit down. "What's wrong dude?" Mae asked. Gregg sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Ya' know..the person I was wishing would be here...isn't here..I guess he was right, he did I'd marry a guy heh.." Gregg said with tears in his eyes. Mae got up and hugged Gregg. "Gregg..I know..I miss Casey too I miss him alot it was always fun doing crimes with him.." she said comforting him. "Yeah... remember that time we almost got caught doing graffiti? We thought we where going to jail!" Gregg said laughing as he wiped his tears. It was silent for a while until Gregg choked up. "..he didn't deserve to die. He was our best friend. He helped me when I was out of a home. He...he-" Gregg got cut off he was clearly overwhelmed and upset with just the thought of his dead friend. "Hey hey dude, calm down. I know he never deserved that..but hey he is in a better place now! And he got our revenge for Casey. The cult is gone. We destroyed them. It's going to be alright." Mae said rubbing gregg's back. Gregg latched on crying as he was trying to calm himself down. "I just wish he was here.." Gregg said as his ears when down. "I do too..we all do..but we can't do nothing about it, so let's just remember the happy memories, it's  bitter sweet Gregg and it's going to be hard getting over it but just think he's in a better place now. A happier place." Mae said, Gregg wiped his face and nodded. "Your right.. thanks dude" Gregg said with a smile.

The bitter sweet moment was interrupted by Bea, she walked in and looked over at the stove as she was looking for something in the cabinet "Hey are y'all ok? Gregg you seems to be crying." She said as she made some coffee with the mug she found. "Nah nah I'm ok! Just talking about some hard stuff..oh! Pancakes might be done!!" He said as he ran to the stove almost knocking Bea over as he took the pancakes off the stove and onto plates. "Mae could you wake up Angus for me? He's in our room." Gregg said as he was finding the syrup. Mae nodded and walked to there room and opened the door slightly peaking in.  Angus was laying in bed holding onto a pillow, he was still asleep snoring loudly. Mae walked over and tapped his shoulder, no response. She shook him slightly. "Angus...hey Angus..big guy...wake up!!!" Mae whispered as she tryed to wake him up calmly. Angus flipped over facing Mae while grunting he slowly woke up rubbing his eyes as he reached over to grab his glasses. "Mornin' big guy!! Come on come on get up!!" Mae said a  louder. "Huh..? Oh crud..I fell back asleep didn't I! What did I miss?" Angus said as he put on his glasses and got up and grabbed a white t-shirt on the floor. "Not much, me and Gregg made pancakes! And talked a bit about he might be a bit sensitive now but come on the pancakes are ready!" She said as she ran back to the kitchen and sat down next to Bea with Angus fallowing. Four plates of pancakes sat on the table with Bea Mae and Gregg waiting. Angus joined shortly after making some coffee and they all are breakfast talking about how they can make the wedding go smoothly.

"You know these are actually really good!" Angus said with a smile. "Yeah! I didn't think we could do it but we did!" Gregg said while eating. "So! What's on the agenda today?" Mae asked. "Number one is the boys to get married." Bea said while sipping coffee meanwhile Gregg was going through the fridge and started chugging the apple juice that was in the back. "Well DUH but like what we gotta do??" She asked looking at Angus. "Hm..I guess the wedding starts by 6 pm, it's 9am right now so we have time to kill!" Angus said. Gregg stopped chugging and put the apple juice away and sat down. "Well then let's celebrate!!" Mae said as the others agreed until there was a knock on the door. Gregg got up and ran to the door. "I GOT IT!! hello?" Gregg said as he opened the door and there was Germ with his pet possem rabies with him. "Oh! Hey germ!! Hello rabies!! " Gregg said smiling. Germ waved and rabies made loud screaching noises. "Hey Gregg hows it goin?" Germ said smiling until looking at what Gregg was wearing. "Did I interrupt something? Your only wearing underwear and a apron-" germ said covering rabies eyes. Gregg yelped seeing that he forgot to put on pants so he ran to the bedroom took off the apron and put on sweat pants and came back but germ was all ready inside so he shut the door. "Hey guys what are y'all doing today? I hurd gregg's getting married so I came." Germ said putting rabies down. "Where doing good germ it's nice to see you agian!" Angus said as he collected the plates and put them in the dish washer. "That's nice, anyway who is Gregg getting married to agian?" Germ asked confused since he doesn't know them all much. "I am marrying that hot peice of bear right there~" Gregg said leaning on the wall pointing to Angus. "Ohh ha, gay. Still got that videogame console?" Germ said looking at Gregg. "Yeah!! Let's play!!!! AWWWOOOO!!!!" Gregg yelled as he flopped his arms around. Angus turned on the console putting in a fighting game and sat on the couch, Gregg got out 5 controllers and passed them out as they all sat on the couch  "Geeze Mae! You SUCK!!" Gregg said laughing. " DUDE I literally forgot how to play this game SHHHH" Mae replied a bit pissed that she was loosening meanwhile Angus was staying quiet while he was winning. "You didn't hack the game did you Angus?" Bea asked smirking. "What! No!! What makes you think that?"he asked smiling. "Angus, I'm your best friend I know you!" Bea replied.

After a few more rounds the leader board went (from most wins to least wins) Angus, germ, Gregg, Mae, Bea.everything was calm until Gregg sprang up. "Germ! I forgot to get you a something to wear for the wedding!! Dang it!" Gregg said as he slapped the coffee table. "It's ok I was thinking I just wear my hoodie but do something to classy it up." Germ said while sitting on the floor petting rabies. Mae gasped, "I got it!!" She said as she grabbed germs hat and ran to a different room and came back, germs hat was classied up with a ribbon and a fake rose held on by the ribbon. "Woah! That looks nice! What do y'all think?" Germ asked as he put on the hat. Angus have is a nod of approval as Gregg flapped his arms up and down. "I LIKE IT! AWWOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Gregg said. "I feel like I don't have to comment on it but it's better for this event." Bea said as she got up and walked to the balcony lighting a cigarette. After a hour later they all got into the car and  started driving to the wedding chapel.

(Sorry for the small not really clif hanger! It was getting super long so the second part will be out really soon!! -bunny)

Goodbye Possom Springs,  NITW Gregg x Angus Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora