Chapter 5 Nivea

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It's one pm, and I am starving, but I know this new client is probably on her way. I cannot seem to kick the feeling that I know her. It is literally eating at me. My whole body is trying to remember...Levitt...Levitt...Miraaaanda... did she have a brother? Did I go to school with a Levitt? Just as I am thinking about food and Miranda, in she walks. Miranda is not what I expected. She is young and vibrant with super curly red hair like a real Irish would be. I cannot imagine this is her natural color because it is much too similar to Carrot Top, and that is the only known being on earth with hair like this. I stand up and walk towards her to greet her.

"Hi, you must be Miranda, I presume."

"Yes, in the flesh." And with this statement, I think, yea, you're not from here, but who are you? I walk Miranda to my chair and ask her what she is looking for today, and she explains to me she wants to get some color. To my surprise, this was her natural hair color. She explained to me she was looking for a few highlights to brighten up her face and wanted a cute haircut to match. I am stunned at this revelation. I am more than happy to accommodate her on this makeover as this is what I do. As I am doing her hair, I learn that I do, in fact, "know" Miranda. Not the way I thought, but I do know her. I remember a woman named Ashlee Levitt who lived on the end of Sunshine Rd., and she was elderly back then, so I assume this must be Miranda's grandmother. I decided to ask her what she was in town for and where she was from just to confirm my suspicions.

"So, Miranda, what brings you to Lutz? Are you on vacation?"

"No, not on vacation. As a matter of fact, I was born here, but we moved after a few years. You may know my grandmother, Ashlee Levitt. She has been a figure here for years."

BINGO! I knew she was related to this woman because why else would she be in town here in Lutz.

"Yes, of course, everyone knows your grandmother, although I have not seen her lately or for a long time for that matter."

"Well, I am in town because she passed. Unfortunately, my mom and I will be here for a while cleaning out her home and going through all her things."

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Miranda! I really am! Please let me know if there is anything I can do."

"I appreciate that, but right now, I just want my hair to look good because I forgot how humid it was here. I am trying to be strong for my mom because I was not close to my grandmother. I never really saw her. It's like once we left Lutz, we never really came back."

"Well, let me be the first to say it is not the most endearing place. I think you may need a friend and a night out from all the work, though, so take my number and hit me up if you want to grab a drink sometime."

And with that, Miranda and I were now acquaintances. I don't trust new people, but I am a social butterfly, and if she likes to go out, then we will get along just fine.

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