Chapter 28 Nivea

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I needed to take a day and hit up the city pool. I ended up at the rec center lying poolside on a red and tan lounge chair. I put on the tanning oil I recently bought, and I loved the smell; it gave me happy thoughts. I considered ordering a drink at the bar, but my attention was caught by the news interruption. Channel 9 news had a breaking story. Suspects have been named in the murder of Tony Gray. Rodney Romano and Joanna Gray have been placed in police custody and are awaiting a hearing. I literally ran to the bar because now I NEEDED a drink. I couldn't believe it. Slim was the one who killed Kay's dad. All this time, none of us knew, and yet, the suspects were hiding in plain sight. Holy shit. That was kind of genius. A cop and his sister. I wonder who else was involved. Oh crap. It just hit me I was engulfed in the story for all the wrong reasons. I should call Kay. Make sure she is good. I hit her up, but it went to voicemail. She's probably embarrassed and depressed. I know I would be. Her mom, the town drunk/druggie, who walks the streets looking like she's barely eaten in weeks. I know Kay takes care of her, but it is embarrassing, and now to have your mom on the news for your father's murder. Yea, I'd escape and ignore my phone too. I ordered a margarita with a double shot of tequila. I was flabbergasted. I decided to text Jerimiah and see how he was doing.

"J, you good? Lmk if you need anything."

Jerimiah immediately responded.

"Hey Niv, I am great. I am in town. Let's meet up. I want you to meet someone."

Oh, I guess Jerimiah got himself a little sweet thang, and it must be serious if he's ready for everyone to meet them. I always thought Jerimiah was a little gay. Guess I was wrong. Unless the person is a guy, in which case I was right. I decided to invite him to the city pool.

"Dude, I am at the rec center sittin' poolside with a Rita. Come thru."

I got back the simple, "K, see you soon."

I suddenly realized nothing in that conversation went south. What did he mean he was great? Maybe he hasn't watched the news. I will let that sink in when he gets here. It seems to be broadcasting every five minutes across the screen. I wonder what type of reaction he will have. This should be interesting. I think I'll order another margarita. I don't want to disappoint with my own reactions. '


The rec center is located directly in front of the beach. It is the best city pool in town. Everyone loves it. It has a bar with all the glorious alcohol you could ever want. You get beach views and a sandy beach walk into the pool. It's like being at the beach minus the sand everywhere. They offer cabanas and a dance floor with tables and some of the best food you can find in all of Lutz. The parking lot is always packed, but there is plenty of street parking. It's cheap to spend the day here, all of $5, and if you have a membership, you can use the rec center and the pool. I choose not to use the rec center because I don't have time to work out here or play basketball or whatever else people do in there. I saw Jerimiah walking in and stood up to wave so he could find me. There he was, looking just like I remembered, but with a hot-ass guy I've never seen before. Now I am praying I was wrong. I secretly crossed my fingers behind my back and tried to smile through my gritted teeth, quietly repeating, "Please, no, do not be gay, please, just be his friend." It always seems the hot ones turn gay, and what a waste for a single girl like me. They walk over and with the most excitement I have ever seen on Jerimiah. He proudly introduces me to his boyfriend, Keith.

"DAMMIT! Oh, whoops, I said that out loud. My bad. I meant, hi, I'm Nivea. Nice to meet you, Keith. Oh, damn, I wish you weren't gay; I'd eat you up."

Jerimiah started laughing and looked at his masterpiece of a man, "Sorry, girl, he's all mine."

We sat by the pool having drink after drink while Jerimiah filled me in on all the drama. He told me about his mom confessing and turning herself in and how he finally admitted to being gay and hitting up Tiffany. Jerimiah and I always got along because he was a lot like me. Clearly, he colors outside the lines. I never cared if someone was gay or straight or trans. I like people, and I don't see color. I've never been blinded by the color of their skin, just their ugliness. If you are rude, it does not matter to me; if you are orange, green, blue, or any color of the rainbow, I will fight you. I never understood why this town was so gung-ho on making everyone as white as possible and never letting anyone else in. It's like a cult where they make up who and what they believe a person is. I see culture. I see the food that represents who they are and how they were raised by their beliefs and backgrounds. I see their heritage and hard work. The color of their skin makes no difference. At the end of the day, we all bleed blue blood till it hits the air and turns red. We all have a heart and stomach and two eyes. I see people for who they are and not what shade they can tan. I never understood that. Especially hating a child who is innocent and never asked to be born. We all have our problems, but color should not be one of them. Look around you at the issues we face; is color really that fascinating that we need to make it a huge deal about everything? I can't. I have better things to do, like making money, running my own business, and building my empire. Let the colors we have be what we own. I say shine your rainbow and glow up because we only get one life to live, and I refuse to waste it on useless hate. I decided to ask Jerimiah about Kayla since I haven't heard from her. It's weird with everything going on that she hasn't kicked my door down, begging for a shoulder to cry on. Jerimiah informed me that since the day his mom poured out all her truths like a waterfall, he hasn't heard from his sister either. I found that to be even stranger. I decided to text her to make sure she was okay.

"Kay Kay, haaaay, girl. I am out at the rec center. Come by. J is here. You good? I saw the news. I am here for you if you need me. Luv ya."

Unfortunately, there was no response from her. I figured in her own time, she would get back to me. No need to rush her into talking. The girl did just find out her father was murdered at the hand of her mother and uncle. I really can't imagine how that must have been the icing on the cake to the long-lost sister she never knew about. I decided to give her some space and let her come around when she felt ready. 

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