Chapter 31 Tiffany

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My father's funeral was beautiful. We had over 500 people attend. My father was very well known for all his work with the University. The flowers were all white roses, and we made sure they covered the entire place. The choir sang and wore the most elegant white robes. It was a celebration of his life and his journey to becoming a renowned professor and all his accomplishments. My mother and I both spoke at the end, thanking everyone for attending and loving him as much as we did. He really was a special man. A vibrant old soul who anyone could get along with. We chose a light gray and white casket to match the roses and put him in a gray pinstriped suit. My daddy did love his suits. He was always shopping Steve Harvey's line and picking the most extravagant looks. Everyone knew him at the University for his ties. He always made a statement. We honored him, and he would have been proud of what Mama and I put together during all of our sorrow. It's not easy saying goodbye, but this felt more like see you soon. At the burial in the graveyard, we had the pastor read his favorite verse, a passage from Proverbs 17 verse 17, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity." My father was a beautiful mentor to so many students. He loved his profession and took his work seriously. I feel honored to have had him in my life as long as I did. When he was placed slowly in the ground, we all let go of the balloons we were holding. All white and filled inside with different messages to be sent to Heaven. I looked up to the sky as the clouds slowly passed and the wind took hold of the balloons and smiled. I knew he was watching because I could feel his presence. Afterward, Mama and I went for a walk and talked, sharing memories, and laughing and crying. We showed up later to the gathering at a hall we rented and tried to eat the expensive food provided, but our sadness was too strong for hunger. We had a grand night just listening to people talk about Daddy and how much he inspired them and what a great friend he was all the while drinking away my tears. That night I slept like a rock. I was exhausted from the long day of preparation to the long starvation and too much alcohol.


Daniel and I are all packed up and ready to hop our flight from Chicago O'Hare to Tampa Bay. I felt my nerves getting the best of me, and on the way to the airport, I almost threw up. This was strange to meet someone you share DNA with but have never seen or met in real life. It had me thinking, is DNA what makes a family? My adopted father was everything I could ever want in a dad, yet we shared no DNA. This kid, Jerimiah, he lived in a different world. After viewing his Facebook pictures and his interests, I noticed how much we did not have in common. He grew up with a mom who was an alcoholic, a home that looked like it was run down, and barely any friends. He was obviously gay and did not feel accepted. His page was somewhat depressing. I was not sure how we would fit together in making a connection, if any. I grabbed Daniel's hand and smiled at him. At least he was coming with me. I felt like there was no way I could do this alone. I just hoped my mom would be okay. I was worried about leaving her but also felt like I had to do this. I asked her to come, but she said I should meet my siblings on my own. I was praying they accepted me. You never know when you feel like the outcast. They had their mom and their dad, and then I was the product of an affair. Not sure that I am what the family would call a great addition. I am just hoping that Kayla and I can become close. I would love to have a sister, just do girly things, and hang out, talk about life and boys. I never had that except with my mom. It's going to be nice to have a little sister to kick it with. I heard the announcement for our flight and realized this was it; I was really doing this. Here we go, I thought as I boarded the plane. Here we go!

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