Chapter 17 Nivea

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I pulled up to the Levitts' house, all excited because finally, Miranda's mom agreed to let us read the diary. We hopefully find some interesting stuff in there. I am also happy to be off and hanging out with Miranda because we owe each other nothing. We just met, and there is no past to bind us together or bring about any drama or awkward feelings. I need a friend like that after my last encounter with Kayla because I try to be a loyal good friend to everyone in my life, but Kay gets put at the top of that list, and she seems so ungrateful for it. I hate that she doesn't reciprocate it or just say thank you. It makes me not want to share information with her. Like why I care so much if she doesn't even care. After all, it is her life, not mine. Either way, I think I might fall back for a little bit. Kay seems like she needs to take some time to herself and get her shit together. She uses her mom as a viable excuse for everything, and she always has. It's convenient for her. She stays in the same house, at the same job, and never plans to leave because why would she? That's not the Kay way. Right now, I am happy to just be here with Miranda and not have to deal with Kay and all her bull. Besides, Miranda and I get along really well. I may never see her again once she leaves Lutz, so I have no ties to worry me.

I walked up the old sidewalk to the run-down old front porch and saw the door was open. Odd, because it is too damn hot in this humid weather to leave the door open. I pulled the screen door back and walked in.

"Hey, hey! It's me, Niv!"

I heard Miranda yell, "Hey, girl, we are back here! Come on back to the kitchen."

As I walked through the house, it seemed quite warm, and I thought, did the AC break? I can't be here if the AC broke. I started to feel beads of sweat on my forehead, and when I reached the kitchen, I saw both Ran and her mom sitting at the table.

"Hey y'all, listen, it is hot as hell up in here. Did the AC break? I am already sweating."

Miranda's mom looked at me, and with a wipe of sweat from her own head, she said, "Yes, the guy will be here soon. We called an HVAC guy a while ago. He said to give him two hours, and we were hoping he would have been here by now." I was not expecting to attend a sweat fest today, but here I am, I guess. I see they are not doing anything but looking through old photos at the table and drinking glasses of cool lemonade. I gather myself and get a glass of the iced drink to at least cool my throat. I am not going to make it in here. I sit down in the faux leather chair at the table, only to notice my legs sticking to the seat immediately from how hot I am.

"So, I assume you called the HVAC guy to rush him, right? Let him know this is a Florida summer and we need air?"

Miranda smiled and then laughed. "Nivea, you will be okay; you were born here. Help us look through these photos. Maybe you recognize some of these people." I grabbed a stack of the thrown-about pictures and started skimming through them. I couldn't believe it, but there were people I actually knew. As a matter of fact, Mrs. Levitt's old ass even had photos from an old Christmas event that took place here in Lutz. I wasn't even born yet, and I know this because I see my mom's fresh baby face standing in downtown. I smiled at the picture glaring with delight. My mother was beautiful in her teens. She looked so happy, and I thought about how much I miss her and really need to reach out to my parents.

Sitting in this heat is excruciating, but it's not as noticeable when you are looking at photos and going through boxes of albums that bring back memories you didn't have. I don't exactly know my parents prior to my birth, but I fondly remember their stories, and seeing the stories come to life in these photos is like having a memory I didn't know existed. I can now put a real picturesque view into focus instead of the made-up one in my head. While looking through several albums, I find one in particular with newspaper clippings. I look at the title, and it reads Lutz Resident's Remains Found Today on Turtle Drive. Oh, it's Kayla's father! I gasped and grabbed my mouth but didn't realize it at the moment until both Miranda and her mom jumped up and asked if I was okay.

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