Chapter 27 Tiffany

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Things this past week have been hard. Trying to help my mom plan my father's funeral is the last thing any child wants to do. I had no choice but to be there for her. I had to try and be strong just as much as she did for me. From choosing the funeral home, flowers, cards, time, and casket, I was all but put off by choosing the tombstone and graveyard. I am glad I have Daniel by my side; he makes me feel like everything will be okay, and I have nothing to worry about. He has been super helpful with all the arrangements and sleeping over to keep me from being alone. I wish now that I told my dad I was dating Daniel. He knew him from my college days and always liked him, but now I feel like I was jipped. I had no father to walk me down the aisle and give me away. No father for Daniel to ask permission to marry me. My birth father was murdered, and my adoptive father was now deceased due to heart complications. I felt an empty void in my stomach. I missed him; I missed him beyond words. My mom asked me if I could post the funeral information on Facebook. Many colleagues and other professors would want to give condolences as well as family members. I logged into my Facebook and saw that I had a new message. I rarely went on social media since I was constantly working and thought maybe it was an old message from Daniel. When I clicked on the message, I saw it was from a guy named Jerimiah Gray. I had no idea who this was, and I was thinking the name sounded familiar, but I kept repeating it in a whisper to myself. Jerimiah Gray, Jerimiah! Jerimiah! OH MY GOSH! It hit me that this was my brother from my birth father. What could he possibly want or message me about? I was stunned, just staring at my phone. For a minute, I had forgotten why I even went on Facebook. I was so preoccupied with this message. I decided that before I went down this road, I needed to post my father's funeral arrangements. I put up the details of Crosby Funeral Home with the address in downtown Chicago and the hours for viewing the body and attending the funeral. When I was finished, I went back to my messages and opened the one from Jerimiah.

"Hello, my name is Jerimiah, and I was recently informed that you are my sister. I would love to meet you, if that's okay with you, of course. I live in Cali, but right now, I'm in Florida. When I fly back home, I can change my flight to stop off in Chicago. Lmk if you're down to meet up. Hope to hear back soon. Take care!"

I wasn't sure why, but a big part of me really wanted to meet him. He sounded not only nice but also super genuine. After losing my father this past week and then knowing my birth father is already dead, I have nothing left but my mother. It would be nice to include my siblings in my life. I chose to write back and offer to come to him in Florida to meet both him and his, err, our sister. This will definitely take some getting used to. Now I what to reply with. It's an awkward yet rewarding and invigorating moment for me.

"Jerimiah, wow, I can't believe it's you. I have no idea how you found me or know about me, but I would love to meet up. I have some time off right now, which is truly unusual. If you tell me what part of Florida you are in, I am happy to take a trip to come meet you and just get away. Life has been pretty crazy here for me. Take down my cell and text me. I look forward to it. 224-214-2090 xoxo"

I need more than anything to just get away. Had this unknown brother of mine contacted me sooner, I probably would have responded much differently, but due to my current circumstances, I am all for this trip. Life is like that sometimes. You just never know, but it has a way with timing.


I decided not to share this news with my mother as it may send her over the edge. She has had a rough time, and this might not be the moment to lay this on her. I did tell Daniel, though, and he thought it was a great idea. We discussed any and all ulterior motives that may be lurking in the dark, and then we went forward with let's go to Florida. I checked hotels in the Tampa area and booked one by the beach. I figured, when in Rome, right? I found two flights for super cheap, which I was pleasantly pleased to have done. I went shopping for all things beach and hot weather. I couldn't wait to get away. I needed a break, and even though I did not get a lot of bereavement time, I was going to take what little time I had and use it to my advantage. I was over crying nonstop and thinking about how different life would be. I work myself to death and never get any time to relax. This was my opportunity to go out and live a little. A beach vacation never sounded so good. I needed a place to take my mind off all the stress, and more than anything, I was secretly excited to meet my brother. I have been waiting a long time, twenty-eight years to be exact, to meet my siblings. I wonder what Kayla will be like. I wonder how close they are and if there will be room for another sister. I was nervous, but I was also excited. I am leaving the day after the funeral. I have lots of packing and shopping to do. Oh gosh, I should bring gifts. Ugh! I have no idea what they like, shoot. I have got to figure this out. I can't show up empty-handed. Maybe Daniel will have some good ideas. 

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