Chapter 8 Nivea

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Over the last couple of weeks, I have been super busy with my newfound part-time friend Miranda. I actually like this chick. She is a breath of fresh air in comparison to most people here. She is more eccentric and open-minded. I love her mom! I have spent most of my free time at her grandmother's, helping go through her things and clean out the house. It has been invigorating, to say the least. I actually like cleaning up this old lady's shit. I found some records that we played and danced to while taking shots of Patron. Believe it or not, this old lady had a liquor cabinet filled with alcohol like she was running a full-time bar. We have had our fun with liquor cabinet treasures, and with each shot comes more memories and tears and then laughs and sighs. I just sit and listen and soak up all the memorable experiences about Ashlee Levitt. I knew Mrs. Levitt but not well. I would see her in the grocery store or at the post office, you know, little run-ins here and there. I never really conversed with the woman or cared to for that matter. I know most people might feel weird being in a dead lady's home with her family they don't know, but I feel right at home here. I am actually hoping we find some real antiques or treasures we can sell. I find this daunting task to be helpful to my soul. It makes me feel good. Plus, I now have a friend in SC, and I can visit a new place. Miranda has already told me I am welcome anytime. I am excited to see what her beach town is like. Anywhere has to be better than Lutz. This washed-up town is boring as hell. Just a bunch of snobby white people who think they are better than everyone else. I hope Myrtle Beach isn't that kind of party because I am over attending these events!

"Mom, look what I found, it's Grandma's diary. Did you know she kept a diary?"

"No, I knew she liked to journal, and she was an English teacher, but I never knew she kept one in her later age."

"Maybe there will be some interesting stuff in here. Mom, seriously, let's read this tonight!"

"I don't know, Randa, it may be private, and it's her diary, not ours. Let me put it up for now, and I will decide later what we should do with it."

I was surprised Miranda's mom cared. I mean, after all, the lady is dead. She's not coming back looking for her diary. She isn't going to get mad and haunt us for reading it. I wanted to chime in, but my opinion isn't always welcomed or warm. Not that I normally care, but for the sake of not offending my new friend and her mother, who are burying their dead loved one, I will keep my mouth shut. However, I make no promises once we really start drinking. Besides, I am curious, what does an old woman journal about? It's not like anything happened in her day. The book is probably downright boring at best, but I'd still like to read it! Maybe I can talk Miranda into sneaking it out without her mom knowing. I'll think of something.

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