Chapter 6

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"Hello Holly, my name is Cassidy, I'll be looking after you while you are here." "Hello Cassidy." To say millions of questions were flying through my head would be an understatement, What happened? Can I race again? Am I going to die? Why me? I can't just bombard her with questions because last time that didn't turn out very well...

Before Emmet...
My head was dizzy, the stars drifted in front of me. Where was I? Heaven?
"Finally, you took long enough, did you get sick of seeing me bullied?" I scream to the stars. "Or was it you knew I was right and I wasn't strong enough for this, I never was! I was never meant to deal with this crap. You let every one else off easy and you give me every friken problem you can think of, am I just some joke to you?" My voice barely audible, eyes heavy with unshed tears.
His voice cuts through the air "Holly I know you want to leave Earth, but your only 14, and it is against my contract to let you pass-" "I'm turning 15 tomorrow and don't talk to me about not letting me die, I'm sick of that world, no one cares that I'm here, my family, yes, but that's their job!" I spat. "Fair point you have there my young lady but still I will not let you come you have to much ahead of you. I know you hate it, but things will get better, just wait a little longer and you'll see."
After that I regained conscious, dam him. My mind confused of where I was and why everyone was staring at me I asked all the questions I could think of, my body screaming, tears scarring my face, they pinned me down, injecting a needle. And all was black.

Shaking my head out of my daze I decide on a question "Cassidy?" "Yes?" "What happened to me?" Her eyes lower to her board, she ticks something, adding a few notes and walks out of the room but not before looking back "I'll call the doctor".


The longest moments of my life, I lock eyes with every person in the room begging for answer but no one moves, their eyes locked with mine. This is so not fair, they think it's hard to give me answer when I'm the one lying half dead on a bed! "Will one of just give me the stupid answer to why I am lying on this bed with tubes hooked up to every part of my body!!!" The door swings open "Ahhh Holly, the nurse told me you were awake" "Who are you?!"I spit, ok, ok I could of said it nicer but no one is giving me any answers and I'm losing patience. Fast. "I see your the same as always" oh my gosh I'm so stupid "Dr Carl! I'm sorry I yelled at you, no one is giving me answers and I want to know what's wrong with me!"

~ Emmets P.O.V ~

I push through the door, her eyes lock with mine. Concern streaming through her brown orbs, before you ask, yes I have been crying. I see Dr Carl standing in front of her bed, just great. I didn't want to be in the room when he told her she won't be able to run again...maybe not forever but defiantly not for nationals! The door looks at me temptingly, I can't run off, she'll need me. Turning my back to the door I do the only thing I know how. Striding across the room I smash my lips into hers, she gently moves hers against mine, not her usual confident self but as she wriggles underneath me I do everything to stop the groan inside me. I pull away sliding next to her in the bed, she senses my serious mood and turns to the doctor slightly blushing at display of affection, oops! "Holly, your scar ripped, your lucky it didn't rip all the way and only half meaning we could still salvage the rest. Now, I hear you've been competing a lot and to high levels?" I feel her body tense against mine "Yes." "Well from over exerting yourself it has caused stress on your heart causing it to beat at a fast rate too severe for your stitches to handle." She knows what's next, I see it in her eyes, the disbelief, the denial. "I can't run again, can I?" He lifts his head up "I'm sorry Holly, but it is just to dangerous."

~ Hollys P.O.V ~

No. His wrong. I will. I have to. I'll prove him wrong. I will run again. Just wait and see.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like forever! I'm in year 9 now and being end of term it is way hectic with tests and assessments! Sorry!
I was going to try and give you a really long one but it like midnight and I'm really tired! I've been suffering from writers block and decided to give another chapter a go, I had absolutely no idea where this was going when I started this chapter! But I'm actually fairly happy with it, please ignore all grammar mistakes, as I said I'm exhausted!
Remember when I told you I had entered a writing comp? Yeh, well I didn't place (not that I was really expecting to) but let me know if you guys want me to post it?


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