Chapter 5

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I wake to blinding lights and muffled voice, a light whistle passing my ear. My eyes heavy and sore, I close them, so many questions running through my head, 'Where am I?' 'How am I alive?' 'Am I even alive?' Lifting my eyes once more, holding them for just over a minute a slight pain tugs at my chest, moving my fingers slowly over the crisp stitched blanket I find a clean new scar on my chest, memories of blood, pain, Rose and Emmet flash before my eyes. Emmet, where is he? I need to find him, slowly struggling I lift my body up, slightly before exertion takes over. Resting my head against the pillow, my Carmel-brown hair escaping the lose, now, ragged plait. When finally the much awaited ebony eyes reach me, but his face brings me more pain seeing the glistening jagged scars on his cheeks, his eyes glassy and red, shallow black bags hang under his eyes, his face showing nothing but distress and pain, all caused by me. After drinking in every inch of his perturb face I begin to cry, letting every bottled up bit of liquid pour itself free, leaking through my luminous chocolate orbs. A silent scream ripping out my body, the tears flowing strong as a raging river. "Hush baby, don't cry now, everything will be okay." His voice coos whilst his fingers soothingly stroke my arm, "Hush baby..." His voice sings like a lullaby, sending my eyes off into a soundless sleep.


Gently waking to a rising sun, the colour of burning embers, I find a peaceful Emmet sleeping my side, his fingers interlaced with mine over the white-stitched blanket. My eyes flicking back to the rising sun watching in awe, my mouth ajar. How is it that something so routined and simple can be so enchanting? "Good morning Beautiful." Emmets sleepy voice greets me, carefully turning my face to his I place a short kiss on his cheek continuing to snuggle my head into the crook of his arm, "I love you Emmet" "I love you too." "Can you help me sit up?" He smiles slightly, not reaching his eyes, "Anytime." From the support of his arms and the pillows propped up I rested my head against the parched walls, smiling blissfully out into the rising sun not worrying about the numerous tubes entering my body but purely the fact I was alive, and had more time to spend with the ones I loved, especially My Family. Emmet softly pulls his arms from around me leaving with a kiss on my forehead, "I'll be back" he walks out of the room strong and confident like the boy I know but deep inside I know he is scared of the outcome of this calamity.


The door swings open and in walks a girl, dressed in white with her honey-blond hair tied back tight, not a strand out of place and a small smile on her lips, following close behind are my parents with Rose. My mother leaning in, "Emmet, never left your side till the morning"

A/N: So she's gradually waking... :)

Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter and also let me know what your thoughts are on my cover and please feel free to DM me ideas. I'd also be interested to see what you think the clock means?

Sorry this chapters taken so long I posted it a while ago but it didn't publish, let's hope this one does!

Rose xx

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