Chapter 7

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*2 weeks later*

I don't care what they say nor what they do but I'm getting out of here, tonight. I can't stand another hospital meal again. I need to run. Runaway from this hell hole. I'm given one thing I love. One thing that makes this all worth living for but then you take it away from me. Why? Because no one cares.

Knock, knock

The doctor walks in, his head held high, feet melding against the wood, my parents close behind. With a swift movement of the door and a note pad out of his jacket his voice vibrates against the walls, giving me the signal I've been waiting for. Dreaming for.

"Time to go home Miss Dove."

I jump out of bed, ignoring my parents protest, and squeeze Dr Carl. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou".

Time to set this plan into motion. Speeding around the room I gather everything, from the clothes to the tubes to the pills to the numerous gifts. My parent are slightly confused at my speed but they'll know. All in due time of course. But so will the rest of my family. My friends. Emmet. The whole world. In just a few hours there will be no confusion left for they'll finally understand, finally know the brilliance and intelligence of what goes on inside my little mind.

"You alright sweetie?" Mum asks. "Totally. I just can't wait to get home." To get out of this hell hole. "Ok then, let's go." Dad now joins us, carrying my bag through the halls of the hospital and into the car.


Home. At last. But no matter the amount of joy the warmth brings I can't stay. I can't. I'm sorry.

Walking down the stairs I see a full blown feast of aromas and colours. Yet the scent is still not thick enough to cut out the strong sense of emotion, sadness, tears and joy. Sickly sweet smiles, joyous tunes. I know what you're thinking. 'She's going all depressed because poor her she can't run' or 'We all know where this is heading, myaswell just speed up'. But sorry to be a party pooper, dream destroyer, penny dropper but your wrong! Every. Single. One of you. I just need space. Time alone. Away from the houses with bright lights. The parties. The music. The stadiums. The cheers. The horrible food sold on carnival days. Anything that reminds of the place I once lived. Once loved. Anything and everything that reminds me of the way it used to feel to run to be in love with something so deeply and have it torn away from you.

The tears start to fall, mucking up my newly placed mascara and foundation. Everyone starts to hover around. 'Are you alright?' 'I k new it was too much.' 'We're sorry.' 'Are you ok?' I intercept "Please stop. Everyone." I push away from them. "I am fine. Nothing is wrong!" I lie. "I am just so glad that you all came. To spend time with me. This meal..." I gesture towards it, " is amazing and I am so awfully thankful." I smile, the last bit is true. I just wish it all was but it's not and I'm sorry.


Alone in my room. Laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. Inviting yet encasing. Nothing much more happened in or after dinner. Other than that awkward polite chat your forced to commend by joining in. The part where they still bring up the whole incident of running, even though it's tearing you apart. You have to force a smile just so they are happy even though you want to punch them in the face for discussing your future like you aren't even there. You don't even exist. Like c'mon 'Mind not talking about how I can't run for the rest of my life?! Like it's not one of the things that mean the most to me?!'

My door opens. Bailey. "Hey Hol." "Hey." "I know you're not alright so don't even try to pretend that you are." "You guessed it big Bro. Why would I be? The only thing I love I can't even do?" And that's when the waterfall began. He sat down beside me, pulling me into his chest. Rubbing my head soothingly, the way he always did when I got upset. "I'm sorry Holly, I know it mustn't be easy but it will be okay in the end. Knowing you, you will run again. Just promise me not by nationals?"

"I promise." He kisses my forehead, "Goodnight Sis." "Night." The door shuts lightly behind him.

Once I was certain he was gone it was time to put my plan into action. Grabbing my backpack off the hook I fill it with the necessities. Shorts, jumpers, shirts, blankets and the list goes on. Scanning around the room my eyes fall upon the small glow coming from the clock beside my bed. 1:30. Everyone should be asleep by now. I open my door, sliding through and tip toeing down the stairs I check that no one is in the kitchen. Convinced no one's going to wonder in, I open the medicine cabinet taking my box of heart meds and some water purifying tablets. Wandering over to the fridge I pull out a bottle of cold water and shove it into my bag as well. Turning to the cupboard I grab some beef jerky and other bits of food that will keep my energy up, but also nutritious. Content with my bag of essentials I head back up to my room once more.

Before opening the window I decide that I should leave a note of some sort. Just so they don't freak out, even though that's a ludicrous idea. Of course their going to freak out Holly. What do you expect? Still denying the previous thought I grab a piece of paper from my desk and begin to write.

Dear Family,
Stuff it I can't leave them a letter. What was I thinking?

Dear Emmet,
I know what you're thinking and before you come to conclusions, no I'm not killing myself.

As you know better than anyone running is my life and now that I can't it feels like the world has come crashing down on my shoulders. I am escaping this place where every building, house, corner. Stadium. Reminds me of the thing I use to love.

I know this will be tearing you up as you read this but please, I beg you, don't come after me. Don't let Mum and Dad come after me but most importantly don't let Bailey or Rose. No I'm not selfish I just need to escape for a little while. To a place where people won't discuss my future over dinner. I just need to be by myself for a little while.

Have a little faith in me. I will come home. When the time is right but not yet.

I love you so much Emmet and I am so sorry I have to do this.


Holly xx

By now tears had covered my face, but that just made the urge even stronger. I needed to leave this place.

Letter and bag in place I open the window just enough for me to climb through and down the vine, being careful not to slip or make a noise. The slight breeze rustles through my hair as I begin to make my way into the bush

When I spot him. Of course he would come tonight. I make my way over to him. Wrapping my hands around his torso, melding my lips to his, his tongue dancing in mine. I try and penetrate every bit of emotion into the kiss. But I can't. Pulling away gently I bring my lips to his ear.

"I love you Emmet."

Placing a short kiss to his lips I leave the note in his hands.

I run.

Turning around in just enough time to see the open letter in his hands, the tears down his face, the pain in his eyes.

Stupid Girl.



Extra long chapter!!

Probably my favourite too!!

Vote, read and enjoy (even though I know your not going to)


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