Chapter 2

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The blurry images of people past me, thumping and chanting ringing in the air. My heart screaming inside, pounding at the edges. Feet pounding fast against the ground, rumbling just behind. Wind ringing out my hair playing with the one loose strand across my face. The line edging nearer and nearer. I fall back into reality as the voices cheer louder, hands hugging me, muffling voices on the microphone. Ahhh... I've done it. I'm off to nationals. Body trembling, mouth parched. I need water.

On cue a familiar face walks over, his smile lighting up the scene, ruffled brown hair, ebony eyes making butter flies dance in my stomach. Emmet Casserero. He wraps his arms around me, lifting my feet just off the ground "Hello beautiful, great job!" I smile, I'm never, and I mean never going to get use to the fact that I've been dating this guy for the last year. "Why thank you mister." I reply, not wiping the smile off my face. I place my lips to his, grabbing a short sweet taste of him, remembering, I pull away, he chuckles, "I was wondering when you were going to need this!" He holds the iced bottle of water in front of me, "Give me, give me!" He hands it over and I chug it down (literally), he chucks the empty bottle in the bin, completely un-fazed. His hand around my waist we begin to move from the finish line, but 5 minutes later I feel my legs tighten, heart tighten and lungs tighten causing me to cough and gasp for air, his head flicks around, eyes filling with concern but his body springs into action. Lifting me up onto his back, I wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his neck, rasping out a small, "thank you" he holds me tight in place while I let my eyes drift off to sleep.
I love my running to the end of the world, why? Because it makes me feel like I'm flying and more importantly, free of my disabilities. The down side is when I push myself to hard, craving for that feeling it sends my body into shock, causing the reaction you've just seen. It wasn't always this case, only since I've run competitively it's started to occur, when it first happened everyone freaked out and got an ambulance and took me to the hospital. Even though Emmet is use to it now, and the fact that his girlfriend has Congenital Heart Disease, he is always there to support me and let me lean on him in my darkest moments. He asked me out 5 times before I accepted him, at first I didn't want to go out with him due to I didn't want to be the reason for his heart break, but as the time went on I knew there was nothing I could do to change this guys state of mind. Today, I am forever thankful to his persistence because I would have no idea what I'd do without him.
The small bump and a familiar voice wakes me, "Sweetheart time to wake up."

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