Chapter 8

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Chaos. It's messed up in all its beautiful ways. Everyone hates it but it's all I've ever known. Everyone around me, every waking step I take. Chaos.
Nothing to stop it, nothing to tear it away from me. That's the beauty of it. The mix of happiness and sadness in one. The feeling of the entire world crashing down on you. The confusion of it all. How does someone survive it? How does someone continuously get what they love taken away from them and keep coming back for more? It only leads to more scars on your heart till it all comes unbearable and shatters. No more fragile than a glass diamond. Friends leaves - even the closest. Until all you have left is your family. Even still they end up leaving. Everyone will leave eventually, I was stupid not to think so.

As the thoughts scatter around in my mind I lay my head back, gazing up at the twinkling jewels speckled across the navy sea. My eyes drift over to the cluster of milky white, curving and twirling, creating its own path in the darkness. They all seem to have there place in the night sky. I wish my place was that simple. No fighting over what's wrong and what's right just pure simplicity like a well oiled machine. Each not being able to live without the other. Some go, some replace that's how it is, and endless rotation. Of beauty. Of life. I'm not asking for an endless rotation just a chance at normality. A chance to be me for more than a while. A place I don't have to hide, a place I can excel, more importantly a place to excel with no consequences. I'm sick of people taking away anything I ever called mine. Do I not have a right to be happy to? People say 'You don't want to live a normal life, that's boring. Do something extraordinary. Do something different'. But what if your sick of different? Sick of being on an endless roller coaster. Wanting to hurl over the side but never had a chance? That's the meaning of life. For me, at least. An endless, constant blur of nothing.

Pulling myself away from the dangers of my mind I grab my back pack and climb up the rock face to my left. The cold granite cutting through my fingers all the way to my heart. A few seconds later I climb into the cut out ledge. Placing a blanket on the floor I lay down into it, wrapping myself as I go. Reaching for the book out of my bag I open the first page, the moon as my light, my guide. Turning page after page, word after word, stories of heroes and princesses, dragons and fairies. Stories of happiness and sadness, wishing no more than being able to join them in their world, their life.

My eyes growing heavy I place the book beside me, nestling closer into the blankets, resting my head on the bag.

The peacefulness of everything here is relaxing, calming.

Maybe I won't ever go back...

A/N: Poor Holly a bit lonely in a big world.
Sorry it's so short and so boring. I bet none of you are even reading it (doesn't include you InkandPaper1912 )
Stars and moonlight kisses,

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