Chapter 9

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The melody of bird calls and dazzling bright lights fill my senses. The slight crackle of the fire in close proximity. Fire. Why is there fire? Senses alert I spin round to the sound...
My breathe knocked out from beneath...
Moving to the back of the ridge I pull everything along with me, not daring to make a sound. He turns around. I duck. I rise. He turns. I duck. Staying low I pull out some jerky nibbling on it cautiously, eying down below like a lioness over looking her prey. Except, I'm not the predator I am the prey. My fingers urge to pull me out of cover, out of the shadows, to wrap themselves around his torso to feel his skin beneath them. My memories drawn back to last night, the peacefulness of it all. I'm not ready to face him, I'm not ready to face any of them. He steps away from the fire so I now have a clear look of his face, it was only a second but it was long enough to scar me, long enough for me to regret everything I wrote, I was selfish, there was no doubt behind that. I was just saving myself, of course he would make me happy, they all could. I tuck my head into my blanket, biting my tongue so he doesn't hear the whimper escaping my body. His face blends into the darkness, every time I'd seen him, the many times he asked me out, the look of hope in his eyes, only to cloud over once more. The first time we kissed and his eyes lit up like a child at a lolly shop, a goofy smile spread across his face. To every time he saw me, to 2 nights ago when I left, to now. His eyes are wrecked, inflamed from pain, mental pain. The hair on his head pointing out at all directions, covering his watering eyes. The constant shaking of his hands nervously rubbing up and down his thigh. His eyes, black as coal, swirling with pain and darkness, all caused at me. As I said before, it was ludicrous to not think I was ever selfish. For that is all I am.

Bringing me make to my senses I finally notice the note beside the fire, ink dripping down the page, one last sentence remaining:

I love you so much Emmet and I am so sorry I have to do this.
Holly xx

Why? Why do I always hurt everyone around me? I'm just one long, waking nightmare.

Unwillingly he sits back down on the log, picking up the crumpled page and dusting it off.
His voice in such agonising pain, along with the tears scaring his cheek. He whispers something so low that I'm sure he meant for no one to hear it, but I did, and I wish I didn't.
"Holly please come home, you don't have to prove anything, just come home to me."

Sorry this is so short but I hope you like it :)

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