Chapter 10

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I can't deal with his pain, it's unbearable. He begins to leave.
I scramble down the rock surface so I'm close enough to wrap my arms around him from behind.
"Is that really you?"
"Yes, I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking I was just-justso selfish, I don't know what I was thinking there was no need to run away, of course you could make me happy, you all could -"
The sobs begin to wreck through my body, a direct beeline to his.
And that's all it took for him to press his lips to mine, in the moment we touched I melded against him, a wave of selfishness and regret drowning me and I'm sure he could feel it too
"Hush baby girl, your home now, that's all that matters."
All I remember is a blur of melding my body to his, covering my face from sight in the warmth of his chest, his hands around my waist, lips barely touching my hair.
I look up for a moment, my fingers tracing the slight bit of stubble beginning to appear, sliding my hand further around his neck I bring his lips down to mine, it wasn't feisty, it wasn't passionate nor very happy but it was filled with sadness, depth, grief but mostly fear. Fear of leaving. Fear of him not staying. Fear of it all being to much for him.
The longer our hearts beat as one, bodies as one, lips as one the more assured I became, he loves me more then anyone else on this earth, in ways more then my family. They have to love me, he doesn't, he can leave when it gets difficult but instead he doesn't and I know he won't. We pull away both taking in a breathe of air, eyes never leaving mine he sits down against the wood pulling me into his laps, arms around my waist.
I rest my body against him, tired from the past days events. Looking into the crackling fire the fresh morning air brushing against my skin, remembering the endless conversations, the tears - the small and the body wrenching ones.

But mostly I remember that everything will be alright and in that very moment my heart didn't feel so broken.

It's time to go home


Only one light is on, the one by the kitchen. Barely a sound leaves the walls, I've never heard it so silent, it's sickening. Screaming, yelling, anything would be better then the dead air surrounding it. Me. It's all me. I've cause all of this.
Emmet squeezes my hand reassuringly.

The door opens before I even have a chance to do anything, I'm not whisked from one person to another like you'd expect, I'm held, by one person refusing to let go. Her cinnamon curls damp from tears, her face like a war zone.
"Don't ever run away again Holly. Promise me."
"I'm sorry Rose, I'm sorry."
And we're hugging and crying once more.
My parents pull me over to them squeezing the life out of me.
"You scared the hell out of us? What were you thinking??"
"I'm sorry, I left you a note."
Wait, no I didn't, I left Emmet a note. At that very moment he speaks up,
"Well, you left me a note."
"You didn't tell us Emmet?" My mum asks, close to tears.
No, he can't get in trouble,
"Mum. Stop. Before you get angry at Emmet it's not his fault it's mine I made him promise not to tell you - " my mind wanders to something else I also wrote "Emmet... "
"Yes?" Guilt painting his face, gotcha!
"I also made you promise not to come after me."
"I had to, I can't leave you on your alone. I love you."
And with that he places a short kiss on my lips. I should have been embarrassed but I wasn't and I'm ok with that.

Only one last person....where is he? He glances over at me from the corner of the kitchen bench, I untangle myself from the others.
"Hello." He doesn't look at me.
"Be angry with me, scream at me but please look at me" I beg
"What's there to say?" He cries, the pain pouring out of him "You broke a promise Holly, I trusted you."
Guiltiness runs through my blood stream "I know it won't make a difference but I'll say it anyway. I am sorry Bailey. I never meant to hurt you, but please put your self in my shoes?"
"I am sorry. I was too harsh on you, I never thought of it your way, just my own that you didn't care about us, or trust us. However, then I talked to Emmet and realised: she's just trying to figure it out, she's just trying to figure this all out, like the rest of us."
"Did he show you the letter?" I actually smile.
"Yes, I wanted to come with him but he said I shouldn't cause I wasn't meant to know."
I give him a quick hug,
"Thanks Bailey."

"Emmet!" I shout
"What have I done now?" He groans, a smile on his lips
"Nothing, just I love you."
"Love ya too!" I can't help but giggling as he wraps me up in a bear hug.
I finally untangle myself after a whole lot of laughing and struggling.
"Goodnight everyone."
"Goodnight." They all smile up at me.

And with that I bound up the stairs and climb into bed, never forgetting how much I am loved, or how good it feels to be asleep in my own bed.

A/N: Yay a semi-long chapter and no cliff hanger!

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