Chapter 11

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The world is silent, a slight breeze of the curtain. I turn over longing for sleep, but I can't. This feeling nagging inside of me, something's not right. Pushing myself from the comfort of my bed I find my my way walking down the hall, a small sniffle coming from the other side of the door. Pausing I open it, Rose's body sprawled across the untouched blankets. Her knees tucked up to her chin, eyes squeezed shut, earphones in. Laying beside her I wrap my arms around her. She doesn't move just the breath of her body rising and falling, her curls cascading her face.
"Rose what's wrong?"
Nothing. Just the sound of silent tears caressing her cheeks.
"Rose, open your eyes."
"Talk to me."
I chuckle. "You just did."
She opens her eyes, the mistake clear. Her orbs vivid blue, striking even. The red circle surrounding them, veins prominent red. A thick layer of glass covering, containing it all, except for the small crack letting the cooped up water flow. Her eyelids black from the smudged eyeliner and mascara. Geez she's a wreck.
"What happened?"
Her body trembles, "Gracie."
Gracie? Like unbiological sister? Not possible, they are inseparable.
"Summers." She confirms.
"Wait, what." I pause "How?"
Her voice merely a whisper "I don't know, it all got too complicated for her. It all got too hard; I got too hard."
I'm speechless, what's there to say?
"The worse part," she continues
"Is being left by someone who said they never would."
"I'm so sorry, if she's going to act that way she doesn't deserve you."
"Everything seemed so great when we were travelling."
"I'm sure you'll find someone else, plus you still have me."
I wipe the tears from her face, "now no more crying over people who don't deserve us."
And that's how I ended up cuddled in her arms watching movies all night, romantic, comedic, action, the whole lot.
After a while she finally drifts off to sleep and I finally see the half open journal and the dim light of her phone.
Silently I swipe open the screen, a stream of quotes finding there way to my eye,

"I've cried to the point where my tears no longer exist just my mourning screams."

"The worst feeling is being reminded of something you don't have anymore."

"The only memory you have is the stinging in your eyes and the emptiness in your heart."

Poor girl.
She always has a way with words, a way to move me, a way to make her pain mine. A way to bring you to tears just from reading a short sentence.
Sadly, her best writing is done at times like this, times when she doesn't want to open her eyes because people can see how weak she really is. Times when she lets he guard down. Times when she gives friendship another chance.

My breathe quickens, faster, faster, faster till I can't gulp in any more oxygen. Like reaching your head above the water but still being surrounded, still drowning. The pain in my chest escalating.
"I-- can't --- breathe"
Dad rushes over, laying me down, "Calm down, nice slow breathes."
I choke on the oxygen entering my stream. I push myself to sit up.
"Long slow breaths Holly."
My palms growing sweaty, colour staying in touch.
I can't, I can't slow down, I just need oxygen! By now I was panting and Bailey and Rose were opposite me on the couch.
Dad looked down at me, "I'm going to call an ambulance."
"No, no, no, please don't"
I don't think I could handle it.
"I don't have a choice." He says firmly.
Picking the phone up his voice wavering into my dizzy memory,
"Ambulance please"
"23 Devondale Passage."
"Thank you."

Rose speaks for the first time, "What now?"
"An ambulance will be here in 5 mins."
Her eyes glaze over, mind distance, I wonder what she's feeling.

Rose's POV (a once off - don't get use to it!)
The paramedics walk in setting up a heart monitor, our lounge room looking like a makeshift hospital room. The paramedics begin asking my father about the situation and maybe what started this episode, of course there was the entire discussion about her complicated heart scenario.
The male paramedic turns to Holly, "How is the pain in your chest? Sharp or heavy?"
"How would you rate it if 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest?"
He turns to my father, "Due to her heartbeat being irregular we would think she should go to the hospital."
Her legs were too weak to get herself out to the ambulance so Bailey and Dad help carry her out so she can be placed on a stretcher. She looks up at me.
"Rose, come in the ambulance with me?"

I knew it was a question, I knew I could say no. I also knew it would be a long night and I was exhausted but what else can I say to my little sister when's she strapped up getting lifted into an ambulance at 8:30pm?
I clamper my way into the seat behind her head.


The worlds back the front, I have no sense of direction. It doesn't help that the windows are tinted black or that I'm facing the back of the ambulance.

We arrive at the back door, she's unhooked and rolled through the doors straight into the arms of another, the story being explained numerous times over. Finally she gets taken into an area near the kids - including screaming babies. Curtains drawn, the top comes off and an ECG scan begins, wires connected to her body once more - such a familiar sight. More doctors come in, changing numerous times due to night shifts. A chest X-ray is needed so we abide. After she's been laid down they finally do the blood test but instead they insert a cannula in case she needs other stuff injected into her. I'm quite proud I've retained all this information considering the times steadily ticking on 10pm.

Tiredness drowning me I lay next to Holly on the bed watching whatever is on the TV. As I lay next to her body I'm reminded about a quote my mother showed me.

"Breathe. You're going to be okay. Breathe and remember that you've been in this place before. You've been this uncomfortable and anxious and scared, and you've survived. Breathe and know that you can survive this too" - Danielle Koepke

I don't think I could say it any better myself. It hurts like a hell but I will get over it. I will move on. But what's more important now is not Gracie but my sister laying next to me.

Nurses come and go, talking about the results, we wait, they come...
The hours tick by..
Finally we've been given the all clear, putting it down to hyperventilation and stress from emotional events, like her running.

Climbing into the car we finally drive home. 1:36 shines brightly on the dashboard.

I brush my teeth, change into my pjs and crash into bed, exhausted as hell.
Darn! I still have work tomorrow.

A/aN: Done! 1214 words + a point of view from Rose. Well you better not get use to it because I won't be doing anymore of them, it was just easier to get a better perspective on the scene in hospital.

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