Chapter IV

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Weiss stepped into the airship with Jacques and Whitley.

They made their way to the area on the ship where passengers would stand; a simple hallway, with windows allowing the passengers to look outside.

Weiss looked around, smiling as she saw a group of faunus having fun with one another.

"Hey, anybody recognize those guys?" the blue hedgehog  faunus asked, pointing to the Schnees as they walked away.

The yellow fox faunus turned to see them. "A bunch of snowmen?"

The group chuckled.

"No, I think they're the Schnees," the red echidna faunus said.

"What's the difference?" the blue hedgehog asked.

The group laughed again.

"Hey, Sonic!" the green hawk faunus said to the blue hedgehog. "It's Amy!"

The moment Sonic heard that, he ran behind the yellow fox.

"Hide me, Tails!"

Tails burst out laughing, moving aside to reveal Sonic.

Amy, a pink hedgehog faunus, approached the group, standing directly next to Sonic as she joined the group.

"Hi, Sonikku!" she said with a charming smile.

Sonic stepped aside. "How many times have I asked you not to call me that?"

Amy rolled her eyes. "If I tell you I like you, just say 'thank you'. It's your fate."

Sonic growled in anger, clenching his fists.

"That's right!" the silver hedgehog said. "It's fate!"

"SHUT UP!!!" Sonic shouted, but his anger only resulted in his friends humiliating him more.

"Accept her! Accept her! Accept her!"

Meanwhile, the Schnees stopped by a window, staring outside at the docks as the airship was preparing to leave.

Outside the airship, all the passengers had boarded, and a staff member outside looked around to find another passenger.

He didn't catch the woman dashing into the airship behind him.

The woman immediately collapsed as she entered the ship, gasping for breath, her skin going pale. She quickly crawled her way to a nearby bathroom, shutting the door behind her just as the staff climbed into the airship, shutting the door behind him, unaware of the danger that had just boarded the ship.

Weiss was leaned against a wall in the hallway, typing a text to Ruby. She stopped as she heard Whitley talking to the staff.

"Excuse me?" he said, and Weiss raised her head to see him standing by a bathroom. "I think someone strange has boarded the ship."

"What?" the staff said.

Curious, Weiss texted to Ruby that she had to go for a moment, and she put the scroll in her pocket to make her way to the bathroom with Whitley.

The staff member knocked on the door.

"Hello?" he said.

No response.

"What's going on?" Weiss asked as she stepped up beside her brother.

"Just watch," Whitley said, pointing to the door.

The staff member took the doorknob, and opened the bathroom door. There, knelt on the ground, was a rabbit faunus, scratching at the wall.

"All dead..." he whispered. "All dead..."

Weiss Schnee: Airship to ValeWhere stories live. Discover now