Chapter XII

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The airship was running out of fuel.

The pilots had been worried about this ever since they had realized the situation in Argus. The plan was to depart for Mistral, make their way to Argus, where they would refuel, and then make their way to Vale.

But the situation in Argus was such a sudden situation, the pilots had to depart for Vale without refueling.

They had been afraid of losing fuel when they had left, and of course they were running out. Luckily, there was a train station nearby. Hopefully, they could use a train to make their way to Vale.

The airship landed carefully on the tracks, and one of the pilots pressed a button, making an announcement to any surviving passengers.

"Attention, please," he said. "Due to lack of gas, we have stopped at East Vale station. We will be waiting for the rescue team, or disembarking for a train to Vale. When this announcement is concluded, I will find a working train and put it on the far left track. I repeat, far left track. If you're alive, please transfer safely. Godspeed."

And, with that, he turned off the announcement.

Jacques made his way to the window at the door, and peered outside to survey his surroundings. The best he could see was that there were two trains directly in front of the airship. But he could only barely make it out.

The pilots made their way out from the bridge, and climbed out of the airship, looking cautiously around for any sign of infected.

The captain jumped out first, landing on the tracks. He looked around, seeing no sign of infected. He signaled for the others to follow, and they quickly leapt out from the airship, running off to find a train past the massive crash side ahead.

Two trains sat side-by-side, and on the left, a train had been toppled over, keeping them from going around it.

The left was where they needed to go. They had to go inbetween the trains to reach the front, and go around the left train to start up a path for Vale.

But a bunch of crates had crashed inbetween both trains up ahead, destroying the top of the one on the right.

They needed to go through the left train.

The captain had no hesitation to do so, and he hurried to the train, pulling open the door, and climbing inside. The pilots climbed into the train, one of them shutting the door behind them.

Then, before they could go through the next door, a horde of infected pounced, smashing five of the pilots against the wall, and biting into their skin, tearing it apart.

Only one managed to get free, and he quickly ran out from the train, shutting the door behind him.

He looked up in despair as his friends were devoured in the train, and infected pushed up against the window, trying everything in their power to reach him.

He turned around, and his eyes widened as he saw a station with a couple trains parked, and ready for transport.

He ran to them. He didn't know much about trains, but he had a good idea. He could get a train started.

Meanwhile, Jacques was still peering out the window, as he and the others contemplated what to do.

"Will there be a rescue?" Momo asked.

Jacques sighed. "I doubt it." He looked back to Weiss. "Besides, I need to get my daughter to her friends."

"We're risking our lives over a promise you made to your daughter?" Sonic said.

Weiss Schnee: Airship to ValeWhere stories live. Discover now