Chapter V

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Sonic and his friends' chat was cut short as they heard screaming behind them.

They, along with the other passengers, turned around to see a staff woman, struggling to get what seemed to be a rabid passenger off her back, as the attacker bit into her neck.

Everyone watched in confusion, unsure of what to do.

The women collapsed to the ground, the victim clearly already dying. As soon as her eyes shut, the attacker snapped her head up, her mouth soaked in blood, her eyes pale white, as she snarled loudly.

"What on Remnant?" Sonic said, watching in horror at the events taking place.

The woman spun back around, and lunged at one of his friends, immediately sinking her teeth into him.

At that moment, everyone in the room began to panic as they fully processed what was happening. Sonic immediately rushed to his luggage to get a baseball bat.

Amy stayed put, looking down at the first victim. Her eyes widened as the girl began to curl into a fetal position, before snapping her head up, eyes and skin pale white, black veins on her body, and blood soaking her jaws.

She was infected by something.

She let out a loud snarl, before contorting her body to stand.

A member of staff, who had received a message about a woman having a seizure, rushed through the halls, pushing past passengers to get where he was trying to go.

"Excuse me!" he said as he ran.

He pulled open a door to the next section of the airship, only to be pushed aside by passengers running to safety.

As he fell to the ground, he watched in horror as an infected woman grabbed a man by the shirt, shoving him to the ground directly in front of him, and started eating him alive.

Terror filled the man as he watched, shocked by the sheer amount of blood soaking the man's body, the infected's mouth, and the once clear floor.

He looked into the room beyond, watching as Sonic pulled a baseball bat from his bag, and smacked an infected man in the face, knocking him back.

The man stood up, spinning around to run into the next rooms to warn everyone of the situation.

The infected woman snapped her head up from her victim, letting out a hideous snarl as she watched her food flee.

"Hurry!" the staff member screamed to the passengers as he ran. "Everyone run!"

He held his scroll up, calling the bridge.

"Bridge!" he said. "We have a situation here!"

Jacques and Whitley turned around to see passengers running for their lives, though they had no clue what they were running from.

"Father?" Whitley said. "What's happening?"

"I'm not sure," Jacques said.

Curious, Jacques moved in the opposite direction of where the passengers were running, where whatever was happening was taking place.

The situation was brought to Weiss' attention as well as she stepped out from the bathroom. Concerned, she reached for Myrtenaster, and approached the opposite direction the passengers were running from.

Jacques and Whitley managed to move past the majority of the running crowd, and they could see a staff member running to warn anyone distracted by their scrolls of the coming infected, though the Schnees didn't know that.

"Father, I don't think this is such a good idea," Whitley said.

They saw someone running towards them, a hand over his bleeding neck. Unable to run any further, he dropped to the ground, convulsing wildly, as the staff member grabbed a woman by the arm.

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