Chapter VI

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"My fellow citizens."

The news report was heard by all passengers in the airship, as they looked through online videos and reports related to the infected.

"Violent riots have broken out in a number of our kingdoms, resulting in multiple civilian and police injuries."

The infected had used airships, boats, and other forms of transportation to travel to different locations.

"These riots have led us to shut down a number of key districts, in an effort to subdue those attempting to destroy or take over government property."

Weiss found a video of the infected on her scroll. They had fallen from an airship, crashing into the streets of whatever this particular kingdom was. Almost immediately after they had crashed, they contorted themselves to a standing position, and charged after civilians, and the cameraman.

"For this reason, we're declaring a state of emergency in order to stabilize and control the current situation. Thanks to our government's rapid response, a number of outbreaks are being contained."

Anna and Elsa watched the TV in the airship in horror as they saw police officers attempting to shoot a horde of infected, only to be overrun.

"Fellow citizens, please refrain from reacting to baseless rumors, and stay in the safety of your homes."

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy, the only survivors of their group, looked through online posts related to the search word "zombie".

"We must stay calm and trust our government, as we all work together in facing this current crisis. To the best of our knowledge, your safety is not in jeopardy."

The passengers looked out the windows, jaws dropped in horror as they saw clouds of smoke rising from Mistral.

The airship changed its course to land at Argus, and, on the way, the passengers made their way to the next room, their luggage used to block the door keeping the infected out. They moved in a single file, everyone in the back praying nothing unexpected would happen before they could get to the next room.

Weiss walked behind Jacques and Whitley as they nearly walked through the door.

"Weiss," Jacques said, holding his arm out in front of her before she could get through the door. "Wait here with your brother. I have a call to make.

Weiss sighed, watching as Whitley sat down at a bench near the wall. Not wanting to sit beside her brother, she moved to sit at the opposite wall.

"I'm over here, sister," Whitley said.

"Exactly," Weiss sighed.

Then, she noticed Anna and Elsa making their way to the next room. Elsa looked tired.

"Are you alright?" Anna asked her sister.

"Fine," Elsa said. "Just tired."

"Is everything alright?" a concerned Weiss asked.

They looked down to Weiss.

"Just a little tired," Elsa said.

Weiss smiled, standing up off her bench. "Here."

"No, I'm fine," Elsa said.

"Please, I insist," Weiss said.

Anna and Elsa smiled at one another, and sat down at the bench.

"Thank you," Elsa said. She reached into her pocket, and pulled out some candy she'd brought with her, handing it to Weiss.

"Thanks," Weiss said with a smile, taking the candy.

Weiss Schnee: Airship to ValeWhere stories live. Discover now